Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
8r <folio 8v> 9r
but my God gave \that/ unto me that which is his eternall wissdome or is bestwas best, even the grace to persever in the waye thereof, since I have condemned my unadvised askeing; psal 143 [.10]teach me to doe thy will, for thou art my God: let thy Good Spirit leade me unto the land of righteousnes. Lord now let thy servant proseede for thou hast strenghened mee and I feast wilt thou hast given me to will; I beseeche thee give me power \or grace/ to performe psal 90.12\O/ teach us to number our dayes, that we may apply our hearts unto wisedome;

I call to mind the knowledge that I had in these times, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which I well remember by in which I rejoycedthe celebration of his Feasts, and especially the feast of his Nativitie when an Angel brought that joyfull Message. that unto us was borne a Saviour42; he manifested so to be when he suffered \died for us/, rose againe; and asended into heaven as I have found itto prepare a place for us: Deut 16.11+surely it is a good thing to rejoyce in these Feasts; and in the holydayes which are keept in Blessed S of the virginmemory of Eph. 2.20the Apostles which are the foundation of the Church. Jesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner stone. in whom wee being members thereof groweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord, \surely/ these Daniel featly in his booke the hand= feasts \[as? one? towards? him?]/ are the life of Devotion and doth stirr up with the more I writ this that I may serve my God with the more chee\re/fullnes cheerefullnes, both unlettered people and children to the more knowledge of God; it being the nature of Children to aske questions there fathers may returne them Answere that these feasts or holydayes are keept in Exod. 12.26 rememberance that God hath don thus and thus for them and Heb xas the Old Law had the shadowe of these good thing to come wherein was apointed a day of reconciliation, and of levit. 23.27 humbleing them\selves/ (by fasting and praier) so was there also ordained feasts : wherein they were to rejoyce Deut 16.14. thou shalt rejoyce in thy feast etc if they were to rejoyce who had but the shadowe, much more ought we in any case Deu 16.15be glad seeing the \fulnesse of/ true light43 hath* \chased/ the + shined Luk 2.7\+/8shadowe even + that day spring from an high hath visited us;

42. See Luke 2:11.
43. See John 1:4-9.