O Eternall God, \Creator/ of all things and preserver of all that thou hast
Created: inspire me with thy praise. which may be most pleassent to thee and
profitable to my soules health; for thou art
my hope O God5
from my youth thou hast taught \me/ even
untill now
therefore will I tell of thy wonderous workes6, that the memoriall of thine
abundant Kindnes may never be forgotten; and if thy \will/ be so to draw out
span of my life any longer; yet unto Olde age
gray head O God forsake me not but \untill/ that I have decleared thine arme
unto this generation
if thou Lord straitly markest iniquities; O Lord
who shall
; therefore I flee from the
throne of thy justis* to the seat of
thy mercy and that throught the humanity of thy Son in whom \thou/ art well