and although since I have thought this worke great by reason
though not \much/ sicke and
being troublled with one of the greatest colds since I can remember
the fantnes of my spirits and weakenes of my body,
yet \sumtimes/
to summon the whole powers of my soule (and body which this worke
requiereth) to doe \my/ God servis I thought I could not doe better,
for I would not offer that to the Lord my
God which
doth cost me nothing31
but like hewen stone32
I have prepared this in all points as true as I could
nither would I which
\if/ I cannot perfit*:
yet while I live I will praise the Lord;
yea as long as I have any being I will sing praises to my God;33
considering these things I wonder much at many in this world who
mind not to prepare themselves for a better su[re]ly \and that/
if they were wise they would understand this:
they would consider their latter end;
and not deferr it to the time of there death, when they are unable; which
if then they can prepare there soules for God it is
rather a meracle of his mercy then any humane reason that
can be shewed:
and that thou knowest all
and needeth not I any should tell thee,
whereas I have thought som things unworthy
to recite.
nither doe I this as if thou knewest not \all/ my God:
Gen 6.5 before whom all the imaginations of
of our selves the thoughts of our hearts are onely evill
and againe Jer 16.17/vers. 2
and spiest out
my wayes
[and] \yet/*
thy providence is such over us that
Luk 21.18
very hears thou numberest.
and herein
it irketh me to find my selfe
or thus sinfull a sinner,
yet I withdraw not to confesse my owne unworthines, seeing it may be
to thy glory.
and thy Holy word hath taught us formes both of confession and praises unto
I writ this for my owne
*Take unto you words* and turne to the Lord \and/ say unto \him/ Take away all
iniquitye and receive us gracious:*
Hosee 14
let them confesse before the Lord his Loving
kindnes and
his wonderfull Workes that he doth for the children of men
Psal. 139.1. thou understandest my thoughts long before:
he that hideth his sinnes: shall not prossper but he that confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy\pro 28.13 /37
I acknowledge[d] my sinne unto thee, nither hid I mine iniquities forin these and divers other places I have found inducments both of confession and praise,I thought I will confesse against my selfe my wickednes unto the Lord, and thou forgavest the punishment of my sinne.
O praise the Lord, for it is \a/ good thing to sing praises unto our God: yea a147 and againe in divers \places/ of the 107 psalmjoyfull and pleasent or comely thing it is to be thankefull
O praise the Lord, because he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever;
and let them offer the sacrifices of praises, and declare his workes with rejoycing,
31. Quotation from I Samuel 24:24
32. 'Hewn stone', i.e. cut stone, was expensive and
required high levels of labour and skill to produce. Many biblical references
to hewn stone are negative, condemning the arrogance and extravagance of the
rich. See Isaiah 9:10 and Amos 5:11.
33. Quotation from Psalm 104:33.
34. Deuteronomy 32:29 in the KJV and Geneva.
35. Matthew 10:30 in KJV.
36. Luke 12:7 in KJV.
37. The reference is actually to Proverbs
38. Verse 21 in the KJV.