stormes with
for thou art our God *
so that we need not feare affliction for we shall not be in distresse.
in poverty but [not over] come of poverty persecuted but not forsaken;
cast downe. but perish not. II cor 4.-
these words of the Apostle paul.*
God who hath delivered us
from so great a death: and doth deliver us: in whom wee trust. that yet
hereafter he will deliver us. \2 cor 1.10/
I have observed that many in age have delighted to talke of things
done in there Youth. the rememberance hereof I have found so profitable
that me thinkes my Youth is renued. and it hath wheted my affections
the more to call upon thee Lord where are thy former loving kindnesses
\ps 89.49./ Let thy mercies come also unto me according to thy word
\ps 109.49/ of a childe I delighted to heare old stories of my
Gran-fathers. and Gran-mother
s. related to me by
about 13 yeares of age
and served 16 years. whom I praise thee my God for I have yet
so[m]times with me.
besids my
Aunt Isham
many times with us, and telling us
my Nurs.
who was a young Servant in the house;
when my father was borne and by a
maide that
tended us. that lived in the house with my Granfather and
father above
20 yeares. These would tell us many good things of them.
how they walked before thee my God:
But now coming to a fuller kno-wledge. I have the
more reason to rejoyce. considering thy gracious promises to thy
Childrens Children. There was no good in our fa-fathers. neither is there
in us. but what wee have received from thee. wee and our fathers have
sinned and
Lord I here offer up my
selfe to thee to be a living sacrifice to thee \Rom 12.1/ holy
acceptable and this as my peace offering for (if I had bene troubled
much I suppose I should not have done it) and this that I have writ
shalbe witnesse betweene thee. and me that I may not passe from thee
to evill;
yet they trusted in thee.
O Lord. they trusted in thee. and
were not confounded \ps 22/ Not unto us. O Lord not unto us. but unto
thy Name give the praise \ps civ.1/ In respect wereof though wee forget
our owne people and our fathers house it skilleth not, I will remember
thee onely and thy Name /Isa 216.13\
What shall I say more. if I forget thee, O my God. let my right hand
forget her cunning. I cannot wish a greater evill to my selfe then to
forget thee, asiste me with thy grace. and I shall persever in all good
Whatsoever is here good. and may be acceptable to thee I offer.
'yea' deleted before 'for' (inserted).
what I have done is of thee. for all things come of thee and of
thine owne hand have I given thee. Receive therefore thine owne gift.
and let not my unworthynesse or weaknesse in it hinder my desire which
I hope thou wilt not
Altered from 'rejecect'; first 'ec'
but accept. even as thou did-est the
offering of the women which spun goats haire for the use of the
Tabernacle. when the princes bro-ught there golden offerings,