Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
2r <folio 2v> 3r
My Booke of Rememberance and to this end O Lord; that I may neither ungratefully remember thy benefits nor ungracioslly forget thy severe judgements; who both in the one and the other, hast beene beyond all measure so gracious unto mee: I will praise thee; for I am fearefully and wonderfully made: (marveilous are thy workes, and my soule knoweth it well;) Thine eyes did see me when I was without forme; thou art he that tooke me out of my mothers bowels:

And hearein I call to mind thy goodnes O Lord in caussing me to be borne of religious parents: who brought me into thy Church, to receve the Blessed Sacrament of Baptisme even the seale of regenaration; which was on Sunday8 for which I praise my God that I had the praiers of a full Congregation that I might be one of thy flooke; for which I praise thee: as liykewise for thy mercy \towards/ me; that I was borne in the light of the Gospell to knowe thee the onely true God and whome thou hast sent Jesus Christ9 : to whome with the holy Ghost be all honore and praise for ever; I will now call to mind my overpassed impurities, and the fleshly corruptions of my soule; the burden there of doth make me feare to come before thee; but that I am embolddened th\r/ought him who bare our iniquities and carried our Sorrows ; And he hath called unto him all that are wearey and heavy laden promissing to ease them: and againe thy Evangelists \St/ John saith, if we acknowledge our sinnes, he is faithfull and just to forgive us our sinnes, 'f' deleted between 'us' and 'our'. and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnesse, I pas from that time which now I cannot call to mind; althought it \could not but be/* impure in thy sight seeing I was borne in iniquitie, and in sinne conceived by my mother, thou therefore, O Lord my God who hast given both Life

8. Her baptism would have been on the 5th February 1609 .
9. Quotation from John 17:3.