Mat 6.7bableling
and thought of the wise mans saying, Be not rash with thy mouth.
nor let thine heart be hasty
also I had read in
[Doct Halls booke](JH1)
how [necesa]ry meditation was which was a good inducement to me
to utter a thing before God
for God is in the
heavens. and thou are on the earth therefore let thy words be few. Ecc v.i.v
also I thought what offence it was to be neclegent in thy servece I therefore
purposed to doe that which usually I did well. and not to use many
and I thought if my actions
were knowne to [thee thou?] would count them foollish much more ought I to
be carfull to serve thee.
but rather at night to thinke
of those Chapters which I had read
in the day \[but?]/ and which heretofore my
was wont to here what I
could remember of them and in sted of often repetitions to examen my selfe at
night what I had done in the day or \and/ as for the most part I did read
somthing which I thought would benefit my soule.
yet to often I failled
especially in [consider]ing what I had don a days.
these things I did
(by degrees) finding much profit and helpe by. Now some counting me not so
wise because I was \could/ not \be/ perswaded to marry I rather thought I was
foolish because I desired not the heaven\ly/ wisdom so much as I should.
which now
though not so much*thou illuminatest me to conceive of.
first wisdome it selfe.
or who is the wisdom of his
Christ being called in divers places by the name of wisdom
then I considered what a
gift it was /to be inlightened\. which pleased thee so well when Solomon asked
it. for I desired [then?] to please thee above all. divers times after this I
asked it saying grant me understanding and I shall live. \psal 119/ for I
thought this a good quickening to my soule.
I understood this with reading
the marginall note on the Booke of proverbes which I was \now/ much taken with
especially with that place the 8.31. my delight is to be with the sonnes of
men for I thought of thee often apearing as our saviour to our fathers of old
before he /was\ manifasted in the flesh. or spirit of God. Mat 12.21 he that
receiveth me receiveth him that sent me John. whosoever denieth the sonne. the
same hath (not the father [I Jo] 2.23 for thy sonne hath said
also by this time (as I take it)
I came to a more perfet or fuller knowledge of the Blessed Trinity. which I
rejoyced to understand by reading of S Johns Ghospel and Now man can come to
me except the Father which hath sent me draw him. John 6.44 againe no commeth
to the Father but by me. 14.6. Beleeve me that I am in the Father and the
Father in me. and the lest beleeve me for the very workes sake. 14.11 the
workes that I doe in my fathers Name bare witnes of me. if I by the power of
God cast out divels. whereby I understood. the Holy Ghost when our saviour
did those many miracles. God hath sent the spirit
of his sonne into our
harts. Gal. 4.6 in other places as Rev 4.2 of the throne he that sat upon it
and those lightenings that proseeded. whereby I understood the blessed Trinity
(by reading) also since I receved much comfort consern this in
S Aust
Also I
beleved he that hath the Father. hath the Sonne. the same hath also The Holy
Ghost. And Blessed be thy Name O Father who hast not spared thine owne Sonne:
that whosoever beleeveth in his Name shall not perish but have eternall life.
\J[hn] 3.16/
the Epist of John v.13. [2].27
Thy Name
is as an Oyntment powred out. \Can 1.2/ And from thee
have wee received that anointing which is thy gift. or the gift of gifts which
is greater then all. therefore thy Blessed Sonne hath said, if the which are
evill. can give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your
heavenly father give the holy Ghost to them that desire him O be pleased to
give me
[now] by
Mr Baxter by [Crist]
a more \full/ understanding of [thee]
this gift.
which is thy speciall gift (yee thine owne selfe deare
\I Luk 11.13/ \I Cor 2.18/ Father) for then shall I
for this is God in us who
is all security. who is all sweetnesse (and wee in God) this [note] I was
much pleased with in
[Mr Sut](SG1)
which my
S and I used [then] read before wee received
discerne /I knowe\ all things
and know the things which are given to me of thee And now not onely
thou madest thy selfe knowen to me by the Name of the Allmighty God. but by
thy Name Jehovah for thy power and goodnes appeared the more to me in so many
deliverances. (and since I set my hart to understand thy word. it came upon me
as the raine. and I thursted for it as for the Latter raine). For by
this time
also I had a fuller knowledge
of the wisdome of the sonne and of the power of the Holy Ghost and I thought
my faith like a goodly tree spreding it selfe into goodly branches. for since
these [me]ditations left me I had many good thoughts when I was at worke and
I thought I was fortified against troubles that should [ensue] and as I
thought never likly to fall into that like temtation. as if nothing could
hurt me. or I should never be moved and [as if that] David could not
satisfie himselfe with any words he saith the Lord is my rocke [*-]
thou enduest my Soule with much strength.
that I thought it seemed like a
bone broken which thou madest to rejoyce which being knit againe was much more
strong then if it never had bine amisse. Therefore I will Love thee dearly O
Lord my strength.| Thou hast set me at Libertie when I was in distresse:
b from my strong enemy that was too mighty for me but
thou Lord wast my helper:
c I will be glad and rejoyce
in thee. I will sing praise to thy Name O most high:
thou Lord art my strength and my shield. my heart trusted in thee and
I was helped. therefore my heart shall rejoyce. and with my song I will praise
e I will be glad and rejoyce in thy mercy for thou
hast considered my trouble: and hast knowen my soule in adversities. thou hast
not left me in the hand of the
psal. 18.1.
y 18
c. psal. 9.2.
d [1]
psal 28.7.
f psal 31.8
psal 91.2.3.
hpsal 118.21 psal 114.33
but hast set my feete at large:
f o mine hope. and my fortresse my God in thee will I
trust. Surely thou hast delivered me from the snare of the hunter, and from
the noisome pestilence.
g I will praise thee for thou
hast heard me: and art become my salvation,
h I will
sing unto thee as long as I live. I will praise my God while I have my being.
Let my words be exeptable to thee. and my joy be in thee. praise the Lord O
my soule praise the Lord