Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
2v <folio 3r> 3v
and body to me. and thy gracious visitation hath preserved my Spirit, thou hast furnished me with senses, compacted me with limbes, beautified with shape and preservest mee in health, \and soundnes/ even from my first being; this thy great me\r/cy bestowed upon me, I will celebrate with perpetuall praises; out of my mothers wombe I was cast upon thee thou wast mine helpe when I hanged upon the breast; Naked I came into this world , and thou covredst mee most gractously. Ger med Hungry I entred into this world, and thou hast hitherto fed me most bountifully, in thee I live, move, and have my being: And now O Blessed Lord God which art the God of my fathers: thou hast blessed my remembrance \memory/ with thy great mercy shewed to which are deperted long since my Granmother; and \my/ mother, (I thanke my God whom I searve from my Elders) they telling mee that thou O my God; didest make mee, as far as I could I apprehened thee to be a devine Essence, who art of all power, and yet not appeare to our Senses, and even when I begun to speake they taught me to pray unto thee, Thus didest thou shew thy mercy unto me before I understood it: thou didst prevent10 me with thy blessings before I did desire them; thy bounty did embrace me before I could give thankes for it. as I have hardI growing on my parents was much delighted in me. because of those gifts of Nature and life which thou O my God bestowest on mee, at which time my mother taught mee my Booke: and my* Sister and Brother (being all borne in tow yeare,) not long after my Granmother came from her daughter that died to my father and mother, who was no small comfort to them, and mee; And now will I confesse my Sinnes unto thee O Lord, and my natureall Stubbernes of a Childe to my mother.
10. here meaning 'anticipate'.