Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
4r <folio 4v> 5r
but as thou hast commanded us to pray one for another so graciously heare us even for thy Son \our sav[i]our/ Jesus \Christ/ sake, and be \mercyfull/ to this my cosin, with all other my kindred, and frinds. which are farr from thee; convert them and they shall be converted yea make us one sheepfold under one shepherd Christ Jesus;

at this time my brother had an ague: and after his recovery wee lay together in \a/ chamber where my sister lay, \where/* I well remember the fearfull dremes of and fling from him, what then I had fighting with the devill, and calling to thee my God for healpe although I was not In that extremety of crying out in my sleepe as my cosen was, yet I consider of thy iudgments O Lord, and I receved correction (since I have thought it sum sine of those many conflictes which I have sustaned)

I call to mind the evill enclinations of my Childhod being to subject to covet \or desire/ after vane things \favrings/ of the servants when they had come from a fare or merket which I well remember my father reproved me for my eating of those things which were \not/ good for me with my too full feeding, and my slothfullnes, my abusing of thy good gifts being to proud of \them/ when I ought \rather/ to give thee thankes I cannot omit to praise thee O Lord, for \the/ unity and love betwext my father mother and granmother: remembering well those good bookes of my Granmothers reading to my mother being weake in her Chamber, wherin they rejoyced together before thee. there agrement hath ofton made mee call to mind of the love betwext Naomi and Ruth16 which they would sumtimes mencion;

About this this time17 which \I/ take to be the 8 or 9 yeare of my life my Granmother begun to be sumthing ill and after a while fel into a fever by which she was so weake that wee douted of life but \throught/ thy goodnes O Lord and my parents useing those meanes which thou hast \ordained/* she was sumthing recovered. and my mother at this time yet so weake that she continued from this time goeing with a stafe so well that she came daly to see her, my Aunt Denton also being with her was* noe small comfort unto her with my Aunt Stutifildes comming afterward to see her and hearein I praise \thee/ O Lord both for my Auntes and frindes even above that I am ablle to express because they are thine; II cor 9.8 8.7to whom I pray to make all grace to abound in them

16. This refers to the biblical book of Ruth. Naomi was Ruth's mother in law.
17. This would be in 1617 or 1618.