Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
14r <folio 14v> 15r
because my mothers life was pretious to me, in many respects. both in her selfe, and for that good meanes which she had. which I found to be beneficiall to me, for by that~~this meanes my knowledge was increased and I was both cherished*, and strengththened in good, thinking my selfe sure against all stormes, which though they did after happen to me. I was the better able to brooke them. being as I thought my selfe so throughly grounded;

In this winter evenings (for in the day times I wrot) after I had done my chapter. which I made too much hast of. that I might goe \to/ play at cards. master Dod came. who seeing us at play spake as if it were unlawfull. but my father tolde him it was but for pindes, yet his reason that we coveted though it was was+ - but for litle which in time might grow to more. yet herein I am not of his opinion. for I suppose it may be lawfull with some company. who onely desire it for mirth or recreation. which is best when owne playeth for no more. then owne would willingly loose. which may be without not playing too often. and at such times when wee should doe better, preju-dis to ones selfe:. and not making it a trad of life. or useing false play; this way I find by my selfe (under correction) to be safe as other recreations are, although this I confesse that if \I/ had \had/ good luck* I should have loved it too well. still coviting to winne. I therefore receved this benefite by it to love it so little that I had rather doe any other lawfull thing. that might bee a more ser-taine way of pleasure or pro\fi/t*.

at this for the mening of masse heretofore hath bin time, Chrismas or time my father was so ill. with the swelling of the almons in his throt that my mother feared he woud have died. sending for her phisition in the night who came speedily to him. whereby (as I suppose) he was somwhat eased and mended by degrees keeping himselfe warme yet was he apt to take cold be ing ill in this maner. but espeshally at this time he hath bin ill for 2 or 3 yeeres foll[ow]ing. divers times since. (and my selfe hath bine subject to this infirmity of having a sore throt. though not in such extremiy.) in this time of my fathers being ill, my Granmother wished that she might die afore him, I suppose she desired not to see us in that wreched stat wherein wee might have bine if he had then died. my mother being a weake sickly woman and unable to deale in afares of the world. and neither my father nor she having any brother or nere kinsman to helpe [u]s, besides my brothers being under age ready to be taken ward. considering thy great mercie my God, in still preserving and blessing both me and mine \frindes/ I cannot safishtiently give thee thankes. and herein I beseech thee to grant that long life may be a blessing unto us. that as our yeeres increase. so while wee live. wee may praise thy Name; fruttifying in all good workes and wayes.

Now Mr Dod comming divers times. a in respect of my Sister to edifie that good worke which he had begun (for which I much rejoyced) demanded of us if wee keept that order which he injoyned us of [I] could [r] some [prinsip] and Notes whereof this onely at one [time] gal. 6.9 let us not be weary of well doing etc reading our chapters and relateing what wee could remember. and though I could not say much (especially in the Epistles) yet he would take it in good part. and now doth freshly come to my memory some of those excelent exposio[n]s of his by which I was much bettered. especially. Exod.34