deale with me O Lord (God) according to thy Name: for sweet is thy mercy
\psa 109.20/ and because I cannot /rejoyce\ sufficienly and give unto thee
for thy
ps 89. 15.16v great benefi[t]s.
grant un-to me that joy which thou
and which I have neede of.
or give me a will to doe what thou [illegible]
requierest the righteous to have.
ps 32.12 [the] yea give what thou
commandest and command what thou wilt: I praise thee O Lord not onely for
the /my\ Spirituall estate /thou hast called me to\ but for the temporall
thou hast given my parents. so that I have had tho unworthy yet by thy
mercie and goodnes those things which many others have wanted. both for my
necessity and pleasure. so that thereby I have had the more time to please
myselfe in /doeing\ what I thought good. not onely in worldly things /thou
gavest me\ but though thy grace to use /chuse\ the best*
having these temporall things found to me I needes not as some others to
labour much for them for they profeteth little. but I rather laboured for
that which is
lord I praise thee for
those faculties of the mind thou hast given me and perfect sence and
hast set me in a calling so fit for my condition. and given me such a
competent estate and delivered me out of troubles and vexations as I
have [fallen into]
both for the life present and that which is to
come \1 Tim 4.8/ also Lord thou hast preserved me or restored me to well
being out of feares and dangers when I have bine likely to fall into
bodyly deseases and other hurts yea besides thy unspeakable Blessings
which I desire to praise thee more and more for as Election. Creation.
Redemtion. Justification. Santification in some measure hope of
Glorification which we have with thee in the world to come. I praise thee
for those many /graces\
O Lord how much am I bound
unto thee that [illeg.] hast lent me such kind frindes. and that I live
in such honest reputation among my neighbours such quietnes of life such
oppertunity of well doing.
Blessings which have still increased
in \to/ me / from time to time\ and I have had since I began to receive the
blessed communion also for that continuall preservation of me and dayly
laiding me with many benefits. which if I should declear. and speake of
them. they are more then I am able to expresse. for none can count in order
unto thee thy thoughts towards us they are so many. \p. 145/ yet I desire to
doe thy will my God and to the uttermost of my power to praise thee. and my
mouth shall daily re hearse \[ps 66]/ thy righteousnesse. and thy salvation:
for I know not the number. \psal 15/ Lord. /also I praise thee for and\ I
beseech thee to
yea govern and keepe them
from evill who [then] ether make mention of me in there prayere or have
commanded themselves to my unworthy suplications or have done any waies
good on to me. yea Blesse all my friends and Neighbours even any of those
that by my enemies and cont[inue] thy goodnes and [mer]cy towards me as thou
hast don if it please the my God
Blesse all those
which have bine any waies helpfull ether
to my Spirituall or temporall Estate or both. I praise thee for and humbly
beseech thee to Blesse my father that parent of my
flesh. which thou /art\*
still pleased to lend unto me. and as his love and care hath
bine (or is) more for me then I suppose I can so well conceive of. so Lord
recompence [it]. and let him cast it upon thee \I pet v.7/ and let thy
super abundant grace to nurish and increase all vertues in him that after
thy Blessing of length of daies heare. he may among the number of thy Elect
and chosen inherite that Kingdome which thou hast prepared for them.
\Mat 25.34/ I praise thee for thy many mercies towards my
Bro-ther. and the
rest of my Kindred. and friends. I beseech thee still to
Lord I desire that I may
make good use both of thy correction and benefits to me and of this also
I desire not to be puft up with my own well doing but to serve thee
soundly in truth. and sincerity.
continue and increase
thy blessings towards them. and him. and his children. that as the
growe up in yeare so /grante\ they may growe up in grace. and (Lord) as
thou hast /in mercy\ in these two generations of my fathers house still
given and preserved one man of our Name. so if I may so aske. let there not
want \of/ a good man of this race to stand before thee for ever.
\Jerim 3 v 17/ And o thou
encrease and stablish O God
that good which thou hast begun [in] us
God of power. and love.
who hast ordained (by the
Apostle) that wee should make praiers for all men. Let thy Blessing be upon
our King under whom wee lead a Godly and peaceable life \Tim 2.2/ set him
and his as Blessings for ever \ps 24/ and let thy
and truth still
preserve him | prevent him with liberall blessings in this life many yeres
that after length of daies
here. we may inherite [an]
after Cro-wne him
with an eternall waight of glory in the life to come:
O God thinke upon thy congregation. which thou hast possessed of olde the
church of the Jewes. and on this mount Sion wherein thou hast dwelt:
Remember not \a/ gainst us our former iniquities. not the iniquties of our
forefathers. neither be angry with us for ever by reserving evill for us.
but let thy tender mercies prevent us*
for thy holy Name sake:
for thy Christes sake. and call to rememberance O Lord thy tender mercies
and thy lov-ing kindnesse which hath bine ever of olde. \ps 23.5/ yea I
will remember thy mercies Lord. and praises according to all thou hast
given us. and for the great goodnes towards /us*\
which thou hast given us according to thy