6 and 7 vers. The Lord. the Lord, strong, mercifull, and
gratious, slowe to anger, and abundant in goodnesse and trueth, Reserving
for thousands, forgiv-ing iniquity, and transgression, and sinne, and not
making the wicked innocent visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children, and
upon the childrens children, unto the third and fourth generation.
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy Name. by which as with a chaine, thou
linkest us unto thee, or like Jaikob ladder by every desent thou comest neerer
to us: Here is the ocean of all pleasures the well of living water too deepe
mee to fathom, I will onely relate what my soule hath tasted of it. for by it
I was so filled, that after I
desired not, any other delight in comparison of thee my God; for the
expositions of this place.
these places which my
mother delighted
in she wished me to writ downe for her. which I now keepe.
and many others
(whereof the most were out of the
prophesie of Isaiah and Jeremiah) brought such a secure happinesse. that now
thou begannest in these times to grow sweet unto mee. puting gladnesse
in my hart; and by these meanes thou callest unto mee, and I answered:
yea thou saidest
psal [2]7seeke ye my face,
and my heart answered. thy face Lord. I will seeke;
But now me thinkes I should
the 12 yeere
with my selfe why I profited no more by others at Church, but for this I did
as by musick
[in or 10] yeeresin theses times.
I delighted not so much in it because I understood it not
*as now*so well.
for Mr Dod had a delightfull
easey way. which was very efectuall. and it was the more pleaseing because he
expouned those comfortable places of Scripture which the other
so much insist upon for these
were best for aflicted consiences
did not.
soe in these times I found that this pleasent easey way was profitable to
me that milke is for Babes
heb. v.14strong meate for them of ripper sort;
and I have observed that which wee delight in taketh a deeper
impresion unto us according as thou \Lord/ enrichest our understanding
with a more perfit knowledge of thy power and goodnsse for this cause
the prophet Daved saith in many places of the Psalmes,
psal. 105 and 107.
praise yee thee
Lord because he is good: and for his mercy endureth for ever;
I am not of there opinion who extole Mr Dod
above all others. for it is a hard
mater to make comparison. for so I should doe without my knowledge:
I Cor.7.7every
owne hath his proper gift of God one after this maner, and another after
neither bind I my selfe to the privat opinion of any. I know there is none but
hath there infirmities, as Mr Dod excellenly
and heerin I learnt by this
expossesion to pesever in prare and to praise God by that which he expoun[ed]
to my
mother when her speech came again Luke
expounded James the v.[and] the 17.
I desire to take that generall good whereby my selfe may edifie: neither doe
I mislike of others who are not altogether of my owne mind, in every thing
Now it came into my mind questioning whether these promises belonged to
me or not, though I did partly understand that they did. I therefore asked
my Granmother
most agree wee come of Japheth
whose seede inhabeted the west parts of the world, [in] Europe
of what seede wee
or whether wee were Jewes or not, she mentioned to mee the 11 Chapter the
Romans where is shewed that wee being
Gentiles of the wilde Olive tree, by nature were grafted into the right Olive
tree and so \wee/ are the Israel of God, gal. 6.15. and though I beleeved: yet
I con-fesse my too much yeeding to Satans sugestions. whereby my faith was