Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
36v <folio 37r> 37v
thy goodnes I came to thee or hopeing: as the well of life to wash away my sinns. that thou wouldest cure me which art the spirituall phisitian. that thou wouldest quicken me which art the Lord of life. desiring to be better. that thou wouldest quicken me being dead in trespasses and sinnes. \*Gal 2.1/ that thou wouldest inrich me with thy grace. and make me more fully thine. that I might strengthened against my spirituall enemie. and my hope and comfort was as thou gavest unto me to will. so thou wouldest not reject me. But wouldest give unto me to doe according thy good pleasure. \phil 2/ [also] I acknowledge* in these yeeres till some of late: I have not reveranced thy I have bine something better. or Lords day Sabbaths nor loved them so well to make them my delight as thou requierest. \Isa 18.13/ but have sometimes longed to have it past. that I might follow my vaine intentions. but now I am ashamed for my thus offending. pardon me I beseech thee. and grant from henceforth I may so consecrate /them\ as glorious to thee and as thou requierest that thereby I may receive thy blessing whereby they may be sanctified and profitable and delightfull to me. Yea and I extoll thy sacred Name O God most hight for separating from the rest a Sabbath day. and that so we may better meditate of thy workes and glorifie thee psal [96] and I praise thee for this testimony of thy love that thou given me liberty and meanes to keepe a holy Sabbath [or then] that I may the better think of the everlasting [rest] that so [wee] ceasing from there handy labour. the better might serve and celebrate thine honor. Lord pardon \likewise/ I humbly beseech thee. my carlessnes and contempt \neglect/ of thy word and service. with abuseing other of thy gifts. When I am not worthy of the lest. yea pardon me for making no better use of the good meanes which thou hast given me. as also my sullen. wayward untowardnes. lukewarmnesse. uncheerefulnes. unteachablenes to any thing that is good. ready to be fired with any temtation. rebellious against thee tempting of thee. and quenching or griveing thy holy Spirit. yea Lord I humbly pray I and my fathers house have [sinned wee have] commited iniquity and wee have done wickednes in mercy to pardon in me the sin of Athisme. infidillity. distrustfullnes. inconstancy in good scoffing at it. my dullnes. and weaknes in not resisting the temtations of Satan so much as I should. and I humbly beseech thee to pardon the prid and vainnes which my originall sinne pardon and [illeg.] my not loveing and reverancing that sacrament of baptisme nor the Lord Jesus my Blessed savier as I ought my owne flesh. and the world hath alured me to. yea and those sins which my nature is least subject unto. yet can I not say I am altogether free from. therefore I beseech thee to pardon my Anger. rashnesse. envy impaciency. uncharitablenesse. yea my slouth and idlenesse in my vocation) yea Lord forgive my disobedience to my superiours* and my censuring. liying. and [Yea] vaine thoughts idle words. [Mat x] 36 squandering away my [tallet?] 20 slandering of others my remembering of what I should forget injuries. indignities. yea pardon wherein I have bine many waies cause of others sinnes or offence unto them. ether by any ill example counsell connivence silence or any waies occationed. yea Lord I here hu/m\bly beseech thee to pardon wherein I have broken any of thy commandement against thee or my neighbour. yea wherein I have any waies offended in thought. word. and deede against thy divine maijestie109 whether they be sinns of omission* [of] sinnes unrepeted. and sinnes relapsed into after repentance of sinns of ignorance and against the testimony of my conscience [and] of sinnes against the law of the Church or state in which I live or of action. whether they be against thee. my selfe or any yea pardon my misplaceing of my affections.\and/ sorrowing too much for that or them which I should not (so that I have thought it a punishment to me that I could not so weepe for my sinnes as I desire) with somtimes my want of affection to others for omiting temperance and raffting out of precious time yea pardon my /somtimes\ vaine and unseemly mearth. and somtimes refusing to be comforted and slacknes to good in not resolving \not/ to be so good as thy law requires. yea lord pardon my imperfection in good duties (not being somtimes when nor as they should) my being proud of uncheerefullnes giving heed to foolish things, and not trusting in thee as I ought. and those weak performnances. my douting and denying of thy providence yea pardon according to thy great mercy my sinfull carelessnesse by which many times I have occasioned relapses /and fallen \ in\to/ those sinnes which formerly I purposed to amend.

O mercifull God pardon these sinnes which I have confessed to thee. and many more which I am unable to resite. yea tho I were perfect yet I know not my selfe \ searche the hearts and tri[est] the [vaines] and rev 12.30 job 9.21/ but thou triest the harts and vaines; and thine eyes behold my manifolde imperfections which I am unable to God grant that my love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment. and I may [discerne] things that diff[er one] from another. that I may be pure and without offence untill the day of Christ. filled with the [frutes] of righteousnesse. which are by Jesus Christ unto thy glory and [praise] o God. psa10.16 disurne for \and/ if thou shouldest enter into judgment with me. I am not able to answere thee one of a thousand for my sins have increased above the haires of my head. my heart hath failed me. \psa 40.12/ And tho I have resited these things that are hid in darknesse. and make the counsels of the hearts manifest. \I cor 4./ neither is it fit I should doe so. who somtimes thinke to well of my owne doing. and otherwhiles am carried beneath them. so that I cannot give thee so much thankes for thine owne gifts by reason of my weaknesse. yea how unable am I of my selfe to doe according as thou Lord requirest. to search. and trie. and examine my waies. \Lam 3.4 I cor 11.28/ my understanding being darkened. and my will averse to any thing which is

109. Quotation from the Book of Common Prayer, from the general confession in the service of Holy Communion.