Since I called my owne waies to
the benefit I have found by
I have learned \a/ more
charitable opinion of others. knowing that I was in times past unwise.
disobedient. deceived. hatefull and etc \[Titus?] 3.13/ also this
worke so wholy tooke up my delight with the thought of it. that there
vanished those idle vaine and proud
yet \since/ too often
through my carlessnes I have had idle frivolous thoughts when I have bine
about holy businesses tho not with the affection (or prid as before
of selfe conceite. which
afore so possest me tho I laboured a gainst them. that I thought it
almost unpossible so wholy to leave them as I now have done but thou
hast heard my praier for perceiving the danger of them I trusted in
thee Lord which art of all power to helpe. therefore now the more praise
I owe unto thee. Both for Enriching my Fancy. and clarifieing my
thoughts. also thy word never seemed so sweet to me as now. and those
places which before I did not esteeme of because I understood them not
have bine now most pleasent to mee. Yet to often I have not reveranced
thy word as I should have done because of my owne ignorance. as also I
have found my owne pride and high mindednes to hinder me in good. and in
conceiving some mens persons not able to utter that. which some others
can. and to despise plannes because I have found the golden chaine of
Eloquence to be more atractive to draw. yet have I found much good in
those persons. which I have heard but meanly esteemed of. as I have found
that Doctren
or profitable to mewholsome to me
which hath not bene florished with the
flowers /words\ of Rhetorick for what good doth all human witt or art
aford us (tho I desire to account them as thy gifts) in respect of
in obedience to thee lord
I desire to embrace him of whom thou hast made us rich [psa 119] it was
a good [speach] of him that said [by vertue] [illeg. and have all] for
the meeke wilt thou [guide] in judgment and teach the humble thy way
ps 2v 9
that one knowledg
S paule the Apostle speaketh of when he said I esteemed to
know nothing save Jesus Christ. and him crucified \I cor 2.2/ Therefore
casting downe all [hie] imagination of mans wisdome. I desire to receive
thy word with all meeknesse. \Jam \[4.21]/ 3.13/
thou hast dealt graciously with thy servant according to thy
word. O teach me true understanding and knowledge for I have beleeved
thy commandements \psal 119.7/ I praise thee for
for somtimes I found the
strength of faith and joy in thee yet to often I have troubled my selfe
or have bin tempted especially of late. with thinking what futer sorrow
and death might come upon me or my frinds with [too] much giveing heed
to foolish things so that by this meanes I have found my soule [unapt] to
conceive of the spirituall joy which thou requierest. yet often times
through thy mercy these feares have caused me to lift up my hart to trust
in thee. though I confesse my want of faith is cause of this which I
beseech to forgive and
strengthen for then I know
all sh-albe well. also I beseech thee to forgive my foolishnesse or temting
of thee.
spareing me so longe
and giveing me so large a time of Repentance and amendment O looke thou
upon me and be still mercifull unto me as thou usest to doe unto those
that love thy Name. for I have found it is good for me that I have bene
afflicted that I might learne thy Statutes \psa 9.76/ for Lord though thy
judgements be unsearchable yet thy mercie is infinit, even in thy
corrections which my soule hath experiance of. for though thou correctest
justly for Sinne. Yet those rods of punishment both take a way the evill
of our corrupt nature. and make us farr better then before. yea I find
thou hast altered the whole frame of my nature for the better as to bare
things with the more patience. to seeke the more unto thee by prayer to
meditate in thy word: to use the more vigilencie to wach over my selfe:
to a void foolishnesse and curiossity in vaine things to bend both my owne
waies and others to more godly edifying (yea I have found it the increase
of /vertue\*)
yet I have much merveiled
at my bodily health coming of so weake and sickly a woman as my
was. for I praise thee my God ever since I can remember I have not bine
\very/ ill two daies together, but only somtimes some litle weaknes or
infermity I have had (as sorenes of eyes and paine of my joynts) whereby
I have feared blindnes or lamenes yet have they not broken foorth to any
gre-at inconvenience unto me. but are as sim\p/tomes of my mortallity and
warnings unto me to use the more temporance. and that I might the more
pitty others. yea Lord how favourably hast thou dealt with me all my time
in all my waies. and with /much\ lenity and thou hast caused me through
the weaknes and sicknesses /or illnes\ of \waies/ others. to receive
strength of healthy and vigorous
yea lord thou hast
[Nur]ssed me up with clemensy and much mercy in all my [wai][es]
and when I called to mind
the time that is past. it rejoyced mee to thinke thou hadest made me the
servant of thy servants. and to suffer with them that suffer) when I might
have enjoyed more worldly pleasure. yea Lord thou hast made me the
and thou art my fathar
and the guide of my youth. Jer 3.4.19
of them that love thee. and keepe thy commandements \psa 119/
also I never found thy mercy so sweete to me as in these troubles. and in
the consideration of thy long forbareance /suffering\ of me also through
thy goodnes in Blessing my indevers I have many times bine sattisfied and
gained or \[even]/ found the increase of much sound joy. I will joy in
thee Lord and rejoyce in my God. I will rejoyce in thy mercy. and my hart
shalbe joyfull in thy salvation for thou hast bine my defence and refuge
in my trouble.