Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
34v <folio 35r> 35v
And tho wee were grieved for this affliction. yet wee may well call to mind that in thy judgments there is mercie. for thou hast not dealt with us after our nor rewarding us according to our deserts [or defects] /iniquities psa 103.5.7\ sinnes. for tookest away no more thou hadest /but\ given. and sparest and recoverest my Brother the hope of our house and his Childe which is deare unto him. yea and of thy mercie preservest my father and selfe in health whereby wee were the better able to comfort others. And now I learned *or thought to have in the olde Testement God declared his powe\r/ and love by his Name Jehova but in the New he hath made it more manifest in the Name of Jesus. Mr Baxter Neither is there salvation in any other. for among [men] there is given none other Name whereby we [might] be saved [Actes 54.12] how to die of my Sister Isham. who often used these words. which I formerly desired might be my last. which was our Saviours last. saying Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit. or these which were Stevens . I resolved my selfe thus. The Son being the second person in the Blessed Trinitie. out of his wisdome commended his soule to his Father. But now God hath made us accepted (to him) in his beloved \Eph 10/ Hee is the head. wee are his members. \psa 5.30/ thou Lord hast manifested thy love to us through him. that whosoever believeth in that saveing Name of Jesus. should have eternall life \psa v.13/ And whensoever my soule shall depart out of this Tarbernacle. Lord Jesus receive my /spirit\ for thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth. psa 31.5

Many times I bene tempted in these late yeeres (tho not in that great destresse with those arm-ies of tentations as I have bine) yet now impure thoughts have troubled me to apply thy most holy Name to filthy things. besids to scoffe at thee and thy Name. which temtations I have taken as \a/ punishment to me. because I have so often taken it in vaine. in not minding it many times when I have praired and hard. yea I have bene and the prosperity of the wicked that thou doest not speedily execute judgement upon them. bu I have found it safest to let thee alone with thine own work. I rather extoll thy wonderfull mercy for thy long suffering or forbarance which I find great safty in vexed and sturred to question with thee /conserning\ many miseries of this life. when I consider our owne sinnes and offences of our first parents have brought them \now/ upon us: also I have bine tented to the disuniting of the Blessed Trinity (or not to esteeme one person so well as another) the which before I much rejoyced to understand the unitie of: for I know because thou art a Trinity in unitie. and an unity in Trinity.107 so can you not have a separation of persons. S Aust. for when I named one I meant all the whole Trinitie. and when I named or called upon all. I indeared my selfe (I thought) the more into one. also diver /other\ temtation I have bine tro-ubled with /some\ which I have thought unpossible to name. which have bine hie and Lord tho by thy permission we are tempted yet are not thou the Athour of evill but /doth\ despose it to good some as I should have thought strange. had not the Apostle Peter said thinke it not strange conserning the fiery which is sent /among you\ to prove you \14.12 etc/ and tho \now/ I am not oppressed with those multitude of temtations as I have bine. yet yet have I found we ought not desire temptatons tho they be profitable to us because of the great danger of them I perceive I shall be still troubled as long as I am in this tabernacle or house of clay. whose foundation is in the dust and subject to temtations by reason of manifolde infermities. yet my onely refuge and comfort is. we have not an high Prist which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infermities but was in all /things\ somtimes I have bin tem[p]ted to wish ill to others that my selfe might or frinde might [scape]. and to wish the king of the commonwealth or some cheefe member of it tempted in like sort. yet without sinne \heb 4.15/ wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be mercifull \heb 2.19/ for as he \[illeg]/ was man for us. so is he our Lord and Jesus. he is the Lord our God strong for us. and Sweet to us Therefore I goe boldly to the throne of grace and say. O Lord the sonne of David have mercie on mee \Mat 20.31/ Also often finding or fearing a decay. and want of Spirituall vigour from or which somtimes I have had that which I have* finding deadnes to good things. I thought thou hidest thy countinance from me. and absentest thy selfe being displeased with me. But this I found to be my owne infermity. \psa 99[or 77?]/ for thou art the same to day as yesterday and for ever \heb 13.8/ eth* thou /seemest to\ hidest thy face from me. to teach me to seeke.* and seeing I must here ever want. but as thou hast taught me to aske so let me not goe bake from thee but reicive me that I may still call upon thy Name ps 70.18 let me not cease to crave, I remember the yeeres that are past. and thy goodnes to me in them wherewith thou hast upheld me. and increased thy graces still in me from time to time. thy mercy and goodnes never decaieth but still increaseth in thine. which are as trees planted by the /rivers of\ waters ever greene and flowrishing \psa / Great is thy mercie O Lord quicken me might suffer danger rather then my friends according as thou wert woont. psa 119.49 and as thou hast done more for me then I could tell how to aske so canest thou doe more for me then I am able to comprehend for thy goodnes is farr more (know I thou) then I am able to conceive of) above that thou art w[o]nt. O quicken me /after\ according to thy loving kindnes and then shall I not goe backe from thee but keepe the testimonyes of my mouth \psa 119.38/ for \so/ then shall I still have that Sacred thirst for that treasure of great price or which is more then can be valued. for the more it is sought the more it is desired. and yet for which none laboureth that art not satisfied \Isa LV 1 Mat V 8/ and tho somtimes thou deferrest thy comfort and the granting of our request. it is to teach us to persever that we may feele thy holy spirit with bigger portion of thy power and vertue lighten and cheere us so shall my love be ever inflamed towards thee. being free from any danger of too much for it admits of no limets. \mat 22.37/

107. Confessions Book 13, chapter 22, p. 967 in Watts.