this early serving of thee my God; perceving the inclination
of Children to be apt to learne that which is not so good and to rejoyce in
therefore \now/ I thinke it better by way of prevension to season them in the
best; and although I past this censor upon my selfe, yet I suppose sum others
may apprehend sooner or better, nither can I now so well remember what I
of thee when I first learnt, onely
to the best of my
this is the first that I can
to mind
haveing an areall apprehension of thee to be glorious and increaseing in this
knowlege I thought thee to have a celestiall being from all eternity and
for ever, and by the devotion of thy servants,
and that thou madest all
I knew that thou
of all power
that thou knewest our thoughts, yet could I very littel consider of thy
\Attributes/ properties. and workes, and of thy \great/ goodnes to man.
but a small Sparke of knowledge, to that which now of thy goodnes thou hast
endued me withall yet whatsoever I then had or now have is of thy giveing and
beseech thee be still pleased to continue unto mee the increase thereof; and
herein I find my selfe the better for those things which heretofore I
(not, or very littel) have since come flowing into my mind to my better
instruction as those psalmes and also Solomon saith
pro. 22.6 teach a Child in the trade of his way, and
when he is old he shall not depart from it.
pro. 20.11 a child also is knowen by his doings,
whether his worke be pure and right,
herein I conclude with the saying of our Saviour when the children cried
Hosanna in the Temple;
mat. 21.15 out of the mouth of babes and sucklings
thou hast made perfite thy prase;
I desire to refresh my selfe a little that I may runne with the
greater speed,
Happy are those that in the time of there health and prosperity
thinke of thee my God: I had almost bin hindred from proceeding In this worke
feare distracting my thoughts, \and/ that I should
not have time to accomplish it as I would doe the heavy stroke
of thy hand the pestilence being so neare us as a mile.
Heare O Lord
and have mercy upon us: Lord be thou our helper;
Looke upon our adversitie and misery, and
us all our sinnes,)
29. Psalm 30:10 in the KJV and Geneva.
30. Psalm 25:18 in the KJV and Geneva.