in this time of my
sicknes I
comming dayly to see her lighted upon her Bookes (which
lay in her windor)
wherein she much delighted and I gathered spirituall flowers out of the
garden of her sweetnes wherein one booke I found of the nessissity of
Repentance and in another the effects of faith (\and how/ far without faith
it is impossible to please God) and I afterwards lighting upon prayes for
this porpose writ them downe for my owne
use, for at \this/ time, as I remember I learned to writ having a natureall
inclinacion thereunto,
And now doth come into my mind som \other/ things which
those times I did (afore my Grammothers sicknes) my
mother gave every one of us a
, in which I much delighted because of the verce and haveing
\Psalmes/* I sung them. thinking I did well; by the
immitacion of others althought I did not so fully understand them nether sing
according to the tune for which my mother reproved us
but my Granmother thinking it to be good for us to
the Psalmes my mother Answerred as I remember to this
that wee could not with that reverrance
Col 3.16
sing them as ought to
(I Cor. 14.15) after this time I had no mind or was very dull to sing the
therefore it would have ben better if wee could have learnt; that which by
other \[illeg]/ Children I have \hard/ sing afore my age at this time;
about 3 yeares after this19
my brother learning to sing my
father would have had mee learne also, for the benifit
of my lungs
being troubeled with a horsnes, but herein I confess my dulnes having no mind
to learn, \but/ now comming to a fuller understanding of this Act I condemne
my neclygence herein calling to mind the Kingly Prophet David who commited
most of his
Psalmes to him that excelleth on divers
tunes or instruments; besides his songes of degres20, and
althought the
cheefest matter which is required is the intencion of the hart uttering words
devine knowledge, yet in these gifts \both/
or Musick
of singing and
Eloquence[e?] is the heart inflamed with the more alacrity and vigour and