Lord let thy blessing be
upon this common wealth in which we doe live.
tender love
and according to thy great mercies
\Ha 63.7/ Lord I praise
thee for the propagation of thy Gospell here amongst us. and those benefits
accompanied with it as long peace so great a wealth. and plentifull
aboundance of all things. as this land afore never had. and other lands
about us have long looked after. besides many maraclous deliverences
whereby thou hast shewed
thy mercy
\and/ thy lenity towards us. let us not be too secure. but pardon
our unworthynesse and ungratfullnesse for so great benefits. give us grace
to consider of them and to be more thankfull yea pardon the manifold sinnes
and give us grace to repent
and amend
of this land
and make up the breaches of the Churches and commonwealthes.
and let thy tender mercies prevent us from
and Blesse us [a] I
beseech thee from Athisme and faulse opinions: yea Behold and visite
this vineyard which thy right hand hath planted. and make it strong
for thine owne selfe root out and destroy those foees which doe hurt
unto it. [horizontal rule] whether they be Bishops pastors or cure
and and thou God of truth
which changest not. hold on thy love still depart not from us, forget us not
calling upon thee. yea what should become of thy great Name which is called
upon by us: And therefore for thy glory sake and for thy blessed Name sake
which in our destruction would be rent and runne th\r/ough.
Spare us spare us good Lord.
Blesse I humbly beseech /thee\ the kings counsel and \the/
Magistrates let them be as Moses vicegerents. wise. just. fearing God. and
hateing filthy lucre. \Exos 21./ \Deu 6.15/ Blesse the whole ministery.
and grant they may be for soundenesse of Doctrine and purenesse of life. as
lightes to shine forth unto us. whereby wee may glorifie thee our heavenly
father. \Mat 8.10 Rev. 1/ yea Lord Blesse even all thy people. and as thou
hast made us all members of one body in Christ. so
and have mercy upon our
enemies persocuters and slanderers and [turne?] there harts
knit our harts in love to thee.
that we may live together in Godlinesse and honnisty strengthan those
that stand. and convert those that goe astray. helpe all those that are
and let the people
[praise thee] the way be knowen upon earth [thy giving hand] [be] among
all nations [ps 59.12]
in mind or body give them patience to bare it or mitigate there
griefe. consider the cause of the poore and helplesse. and be
Lord helpe those of thy
church wheresoever dispersed over the face of the whole earth. and
deliver them from the persecution of [Anti] christ. yea give not the
soule of the turtle dove unto the beast and forget not the congregation
of the poore forever let not the oppressed returne ashamed but let the
poore and needy praise thy Name. ps 24
to them in there distreses: encrease thy grace in us all that wee may live
together in the service of thy Gospell to grow up in Godly conversation and
soundnesse of faith and Religion. and persever therein to the end. and be
mercifull unto us at the time /houre\ of our departure hence. and in the day
when wee must give account of our life past. that wee be not rewarded
according to our deserts. but by the merits of thy sonne Jesus Christ may
enjoy eternall \life/ salvation. And Remember me O Lord with the favour of
/that thou bearest to\ thy people: \o/ visite me with thy Salvation. that
I may see the filicity of thy chosen. and rejoyce in the joy /gladnes\ of
thy people/nation\. and /that I may\ glory with thy \[grace]/ inheritance.
\ps 16.4.5/
But who am I Lord that I presume to aske these things at thy hands.
who rather deserve thy wrath being not yet purged from my sinnes. But
pardon thou them for they have deserved to hinder me of these good
things. Jer 9.25 yea which is worse of thy favour. But tho I have
deserved that whereby thou maiest punish. yet thou hast not lost that.
whereby thou mayest save. therefore in thy aboundant mercy
He that spared not his
owne sonne but delivered him up for us all: how shall he not with him also
freely give us all things Rom 8.32
Behold me
Lord. as thy creature. thy handy worke. and as one of them for whom thou
sendest thy Sonne to redeeme. therefore I dout not but with him to
receive remission of sinnes. and all things also: Now if thou pardon
/in\ thy mercy shall appeare \Exo 23.32/ for if we acknowledge our
Sinnes (with purpose to amend) thou art faithfull to forgive them.
cleanse us from all unrighteousnesse \John 6.9/ Now Lord for these yeeres
in which I have received the Blessed Sacrament of thy supper I have not
performed those good duties which thou requierest of me: having not that
devo-tion. nor repentance. nor reverance. and zeale as I ought. but I
founde to much
and desiring thou wouldest
pardon my unpreparednes
dullnes and deadnes
in thy service. yet still I have
blamed my selfe for this and purposed to amend (next time) but \or to/
too often I have herein failed and tho I thought my selfe unworthy, yet
trusting in