Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
5r <folio 5v> 6r
spirits set a worke to give the more atention to thy Glory, I confes my ignorence in those times, * I Cor. vii. 7but every one hath his proper gift *of thee (O God) and sum thought not at one time yet at another for which I praise thee that thou hast now endued me to aprehend these thinges

Now also I well remember my dissagreing with my Brother and Sister when wee were Children with my falling out about trifiles, calling to mind that Lesson of my Granmothers to me which was the second Epistle of S peter the first Chapter and begining at the 5 verce to the 9 wherein as in a glasse I saw my old stubernes of a Childmy owne errowes;

I was naturally a child apt to my worke but my Sister, was redier at her Booke21, and althought my parents did commend me yet they would say that she had chosen the better part22, and indeed she was of a riper wit so was also my Brother who did farr excell mee in the desire of knowledge, who did not understand the name of Wisdome that I might obtaine it; which want I well remember in my selfe and that I was so in the opinion of others who sumtime thought I would be an ignorrant. But \now/ such is thy great mercy O my God to grant me the Jere. 9.23.24 or Best read the 4 and [4]30 psalm Knowledge of thee wherein I glory; And althought in these thinges I was inferiour to \my/ Brother and Sister yet by thy grace I am that I am and I trust* thy grace in me is not in vaine.23 which by thy asistance I hope to declare in the growth thereof from time to time to thy praise, calling to mind that Expostion of Mr Dods to my mother the first time was of plowing 'sowing' deleted before 'plowing'. Isai 28.23 the second time of his comming to her, which was \in/ the 4 chapter of S Marke the 26 \27 28/ verces How the kingdome of God is like unto seede cast into the ground, which bringeth foorth fruite first the blade, then the eares, after that full corne in the eares.

21. This recalls Augustine's Confessions Book 1, chapter 12, p. 37: 'I loved not my Booke, and I hated to be forced to it:'.
22. See the biblical story of sisters Mary and Martha in Luke 10:43.
23. Quotation from I Corinthians 15:10.