Now my mothers Nabours and frindes which had knowen
her Religious converstio\n/ in her life desierd to heare of the maner of her
death. by my Aunt Isham and
Mr Baxter. who confessed it did trouble him till
after hee was satisfied likewise I often thought of it. till I lighted upon a
place in Dubertus of the maner of deaths. where he saith to this porpose when
one is imprisoned in
a pit it is no matter whether that which taketh him out be of silke or
or of hemp. I suppose the feare of the violence of death together
with her affection taking on like a naturall mother. caused her to be
to die: she being yet young of the age of 34 yeares for she said shall I be
off thus. it is said in the 102 psal. take me not away in the mids of my
yet what neede I be dismaied at her unwillingness to die seeing our Blessed
Saviour as he was man feared death. I beleeve my
mothers taking of many
so fortified her nature which made her have the greater combat with death for
she would often say if she had bin a poore woman she had died long afore this.
and though now she was unwilling to die yet a weeke or fortnig[ht] a fore her,
death she uttered these words. God forgive me. I never thought of death (not I
suppose as much as \now/ she wished she had. but els I believe she was alwaies
prepared. for her life was still a refineing. and she had fought the good
fight. also she then said in maner of confession. God forgive me my sinnes of
omission and commishion and I have not wronged any. I veud that it was a great
comfort to her. that she had no combat with sutch at the time of her death. I
oberved that