thy sinne: and healeth all thine infirmities. [etc]
still after this I looked ill some thinking I had the
[greene sicknes](green).
father injoyned me to
morning and evening this was
my exercise 4 or 5 yeeres
runn up easy
(which was of three parts) twelfe
times and to rest me once. but my wind was so good that sometimes I runn them
all and not rest mee. but at last be-ing somtimes idle and cunning though my
father scrictly exammened me. whether I run up so
many times or no and from the topt to the botome, I should therefore run
eleven up \of/ one part of the three
and at last
thought the cause of my illnes was grife for my
from the tope to the botome
of them all. and so Answere him
according to his demand. I suppose the reason that my winde was so good was
becauses my
mother allowed me to eate any seeds I much
complaning of the
coldnes of my stomacke especially
in this time I read some part of
[the second booke of Marter\s/](BM2)
after meate,
for which I should not thinke my
selfe well unlesse I had eatten some spice which was so little (because they
kept it from me) that I thinke did me no harme, other whiles when I had not
these I should eate
I did net and bred[stitch]
[Orring pilles](orange)
without suger onely to wearme my stomack
which was so cold that I thought
"costomeI should never leave the eating of somwhat to
warm me after meales.
the 14 yere
my mother
being indiferent well
used to rise early and
send for the servants to praires a mornings. but herein I confesse my
slouthfullnes in being
when I was redy she would here
what I could say of my chapter and then I should goe get my breakfast what I
thought good and then goe to worke
sildome ready.
for which my
mother would often chide me
for my late riseing as also for my dulnes, and \[for]/ loving to be alone, but
I doe not remember that it brought any inconveniance to me, for I thought my
selfe happie in being somtimes pri-vat that I might powre foorth my selfe in
praires to
my father in secret. or else I did ofton (after this) invent or
doe some kind of worke. which they thought unposible for me to doe (and not
learn) I bringing it foorth afterwards. I remember my
told my
father one day of all the Children she
had she knew the lest of my
I knit \net/ me apare of glovs
and rote dram worke after
for in those \worldy/
things she thought to make me delight in I cared not for. (
afore these 2 yeeres she prevaled with me to keepe a hen which brought
me some eges, which when I had gathered mony for them I bought me 2 bookes)
also she observed me to be constant to whom, or to what I affected. she
therefore desired I
or love the
in this time my
father would have
had me learn to sing for the benefit of my lungs but I had no mind to it
Now a suden trembleing of heart tooke my mother
which caused her somtimes
to crie out. she being weake and for coolnes this sumener tooke the breast,
and though she was after better in coole weather going up and downe and
striving more for her health then ever she did, yet then she would complane
of coldnes saying she had truely undergon the
Mr horspoole gave my
and should have given me too but that he had no lucke
somtimes she complaned of heat
but often of coold in summer and winter too saying that Mr [illeg.] againe too
[let her blood](bloodletting).
mother would
often speake of the good and true pickture of mortification
in my
Granmother as it were wishing for it. she said
it would be strang if I
should doe it, but I rather thinke it strange that she should say so for I
had no skill to note such a thing for a great many years after this now I drew
[fl]owers and panted them with water coleures which our men had
infirmities of old age,
now for 2 or 3 yeere my mother had left taking of
[phisicke](physick) thinking she was better
without \it/ but my father perswaed her not to leave
it altogether. also my
mothe\r/ would have had me a taken some but it has never beene my hap to take
great matter
worth the name of
(I praise him who is the auther of
my health that nessicity drove me not to it) nether was I now willing for I
was not sicke but as I have before shewed; my mother
divers time \giving me/
things to harten me. which somtimes I should by stelth get as I did once to a
glasse* of
[strong water](strongwater)
taking a letle and so by degrees thirsting for more
thy grace (my God) reclamed me
knowing in what case I begane to be in,
which might have bene a foule sinne and shame unto me, but now hath been a
worning to me ever sence, my mother somtimes speaking
of my heavenes (I having not that quicknes of Spirit like her or my
sister) said she thought it was
because I was borne on a
and that the planet after which the day was
called, had dominion over me,