Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
3r <folio 3v> 4r
(the rather towards thee my God, whome I dissobayed in my parents) I confes she affton corrected mee for it I being littel the better the sumtimes the worse (for which I crie thee mercy) too affton I obayed her for feare of the rod; rather then \in/ love, or feare to thee being \too/ ignorant of thy Law. many times I should crie not knowing my cause, and sumtimes for littel (O God thou knowest my foollishnes and my faults are not hid from thee) many times I should be dejected suppossing my mother loved my Sister better, because sum told her she was like her; not considering her much pitting and sparing of her because she was corrected by thy hand O Lord) for besides her being ill from her berth she was ill nurst. and after by the necclegents of those that tendded her bracke her (as I remember) right kne*; also my brother had an ill fitt at nurse being weakly afterward. I hard my mother say she had littel hope of his life) but such is thy goodnes O Lord which hath made him a sounde man to our great joy and comfort; to [reliefe] it I played at babies and after with ballets windeabout \ 3 or/ 4 yeare old I had many fitts of the winde collick with a lax and \after/ my teeth much panned mee: three years passed on \in/ which I learned my booke and my \trusticke/ worke and wee all continued in health, Blessed be thy name O Lord, as I remember [sh]e had Dr Kettys advise about this time12 my mother was ill for which she had Mr Battlers advise and after a Geman *and after had sum fitts of blething* afterward she continued indifferent well for a space, and had a very weake fit like to die, but haveing sumthing recovred, my selfe Sister and Brother wee all were ill of great colds, while we keept the chamber my Sister Judith broke her other lege;

About this time14 being as I take it or 9 the eight yeare of my age, I came to a fuller knowledge of thee; that wheras before I aprehended thee to be Glorious in thy selfe that thou \wert/* God. (so by their Education which they gave me and their of my parentsgood example) now I understood that thou wert able both to heare and helpe us; and I wel remember my praying unto thee to

11. Secular songs or verses.
12. This would be in 1616.
13. 'German', either a native of Germany or more likely a close relative.
14. This would be in 1617 or 1618.