did my Net purs in silk
red in
Tomasin {...}
about bodies for them
Bes Bamf[?] c[ame]
Sue in h[e]r 3 S[ampler]
gin did spots
red the
goodw[ife] Liechf[ield]
the Sol-[dier]s coming ag[ain]
gret thunder
Gin in h[e]r 4 S[ampler] - yel.
Sue in h[e]r 4 S[ampler] - cloth S
mary taug[ht] them
I read in
red in the
Gin - h[e]r purs[?]
K[nit?] Sue {...} hose
Sue h[e]r 5 Samp[ler] [mark] cloth [mark] she could
{...} it her selfe {...} she {...}
Patience mar[ried]
Alce decon c[ame]
{...} Ja[ck] H
Sue ill
[illeg marks including the word 'sheets']
red in
Ba[n]bery Seeg raised praised d[b?] God
[illeg marks including words 'my f[ather?]' and 'to Nor
[illeg marks including the words 'men c[ame?]' and 'next y[ear]']