Book of Rememberance
Index of Years
1622 <1623> 1624

as I r[emember] I wrot nedle worke lace

my f[ather] was angre with me about singing[?]

from this t[ime] I said p[rayers?]/

Jack cam whom my brother brought finding in the feeld

/out of C P and [M on s?]

My Aunt w\a/sh[in]gton came after

I made a thing of rush my spirits were very after this / low and my wit some t[imes] I would to sing

I made clouts

m my mother had an ill fit and fant to take the {...}

I r[emember] my stomache in refusing to lie with my cossin[?] An[n][?] which my m[other] was very angry with me for

I panted

my brother went after to uping

the prince returned from spain

Jane A went

I r[emember] what I hard out of I wrot bandstring

My Cosen Handon died here ^ A. susan H. came a while afore

my leges were red, to this t[ime]

r[ead]. dubartas this winter[s?] evenings etc Josess and [swch?] I said evening prire / with the ser[vant]s[?] vi {...} Booke in evening and sence forward[?] and another praire

14. Section starts 1623