I am Godmother to Betty Bacon.
{...} my S[ister] w[r]ot Ierish stich.
I stocked me a pare of large stockings. I read of that
I made an end of the Beger and began Charity.
I wrot a wo{rke} of Ilet holes a mornings
my Aunt Isham
the very same \time/ I t[hought?] to drive my beeses they swormed once
these too y[ears] I read in
I wrot the picture of Charity
my B[rother] and Sist-[er]
I was witnes for my Nece Judeth
the twenes was
my hart was so tender to this time, that I could hardly endure the cry of children till now I am more used of it
Mary Thom[?]
my father was ill one night.
I read
I coulered and Knit me hose withall
here was a Fast once a week for the sicknes at London
my father gave a black scarfe
I wrot my father \a cape/ and betty the purls
my father gave me my mothers \mitens/ which cost {...} pennce
my B[rother] a {...} my S[ister] I[sham] a gorget I ave my {...}
I got about 20 sh[illings] which I put into the {Ever?}lasting bag