did Net lace
Soulders lay here at sundry times
cam in
Sue Pil
read in
Made things for
wascots {...}
Kit Cook fownd
did N Gin made an end
of her stiched Hand
{...} 2 peti
{...} read
Gin read
I taug[ht] N Gar. make \bo[ne]/ lace
I began to teach Gin her 3 Sampl[er]
Nan Gar. Mary Mayden[?] c[ame][?]
Sue h[e]r 2 samp[ler] I did m[y] black vel[v]et sute
did tape lace
Mr Fra Lan h[e]r Shanto[ng] pillaow34.
Mary taught
I did Gins a purs