Book of Rememberance
Index of Years
1642 <1643> 1644
35. 1643

did Net lace

Soulders lay here at sundry times

cam in the night My G[od] I praise thee for delivering us.

Sue Pil died

read in Doct[or] Jacsons ser[mons] of the latter {...}

my father gave me his old cuffs

Made things for my selfe and Childre[n] linnen h=

wascots {...}

Kit Cook fownd

did N Gin made an end of her stiched Hand for her Gran[dmother?] which I toug[ht] h[e]r - [inn?] her 2 samp of trusti-[tch] and Sue in her first which I teach them. Mounter learns her to writ

the Queene c[ame] to the King

{...} 2 peti {...} read of the high way

the L[ord] gray {...} by

Gin read the Bible once and now is in livit again Sue is in Nehemia .

I taug[ht] N Gar. make \bo[ne]/ lace and {...} network purs

I began to teach Gin her 3 Sampl[er]

Nan Gar. Mary Mayden[?] c[ame][?]

Sue h[e]r 2 samp[ler] I did m[y] black vel[v]et sute

did tape lace

Mr Fra Lan h[e]r Shanto[ng] pillaow34. Mary taught the Child[ren] \banstri[ngs]/

I did Gins a purs and some purls and cuffs. \ and g[ave] sy/ 2 the maids Sue in her 2 Samp[ler].

33. Section starts 1643
34. Shantong is a type of Chinese silk.