Book of Rememberance
Index of Years
1614 <1616> 1617
8 y[ears]5

Ufely G [?]



I did my samp-[ler] of stiches before my Gra-[ndmother] was ill now I was out of it because I would be with my S[ister] and B[rother]

I did Aranwork and trustich

m[y] uncle Luther was here and gave us 12 pence the first money that we had

I made many gallemafrieses I keept a m to get paper and t on Satterdaies

for these y[ear]s following my m[other] used to \ to liye to/ sleep in the after noones but it is more agreeable to health to for bare all sleepe after meat at noone according to the commonly receved opinion of physitions.

as I take it about this t[ime] I was tempted often to lift up mine eies which my mother reproved me for as a temptation I knew not what it was till then to be tempted we went abroad a mor-[ning] and even-[ing]

4. Section starts 1616
5. From this point Isham labels the sections with her age, measured as her eighth year (when she is seven) and so on.