Book of Rememberance
Index of People
A., Jane* (JAN1)
A., Robert?* (RBA1)
Aderson, St John* (ADE1)
Allen, Tom* (ALL3)
Allin, Dick* (ALL1)
Allin, Sue* (ALL2)
Amy* (AMY1)
Ann* (ANN1)
Ashon, Mary* (ASH2)
Ashwell, Mary* (ASH1)
B., Cousin* (BXX1)
B., Dr* (BDR1)
Bacon, Elizabeth* (BAC1)
Bacon, Lord* (BAC2)
Bagshew, Mrs* (BAG1)
Bamford, Bess* (BAM1)
Baten, Patience* (BAT2)
Baxter, Daniel* (BAX1)
Betty* (BET1)
Y1636 (2)
Bradsh[ew], Mrs G.* (BRA2)
Bradshew, John* (BRA1)
Bringest, Saury?* (SAB1)
Bs., Cousin* (BSX1)
Bull, M.* (BUL1)
Buning, Mr* (BUN2)
Bunning, Jack* (BUN1)
C., Mrs* (CXX1)
Cable, Mr* (CAB1)
Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649 (KCH1)
Y1645 (2)
Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685 (KCH2)
Cook* (COO2)
Cook, Kit* (KIT1)
Cook, Mr* (COO1)
Cook, Tom* (COO4)
D., Mrs* (DXX1)
Danford, Mrs* (DAN1)
Decon, Alce* (DEC1)
Denton, Anthony, d. 1615* (DEN2)
Denton, Elizabeth, 1578-1664* (DEN1)
Y1638 (3)
Denton, Son?* (DEN3)
Denty, Mary* (DEN4)
Dod, Jane* (DOD3)
Dod, John, 1550-1645* (DOD1)
Dodson, Mrs* (DOD2)
Dryden, John* (DRY2)
Dryden, Mrs* (DRY1)
Y1630 (2)
Elen, Mrs* (ELE1)
Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671 (FAI1)
Far., Goodwife* (FAR3)
Far., Lady?* (FAR4)
Farnon, Mr* (FAR1)
Farnon, Mrs* (FAR2)
Forsight, Nancy* (FOR1)
Foxton, Nancy* (FOX1)
Furvel, Bess* (FUR1)
Gar., Nan* (NAN2)
Y1643 (2)
Garrard, John* (GAR2)
Garret, Elizabeth* (GAR1)
Gibens, C.* (GIB1)
Giles, Dr* (GIL1)
Glover, John* (GLO1)
Glover, Tom* (GLO2)
Good., Mr* (GOO1)
Gr., Jack* (JAC3)
Gray, Doll* (GRA4)
Greenwood, Ann* (GRE1)
Grenal, Isbel? (ISG1)
Groby, Thomas Grey, Baron of, 1623?-1657 (TBG1)
H., Jack* (JAC2)
H., Su* (HSU1)
H[andon], Susan* (HAN3)
Halewell, Dr* (HAL1)
Han., Sanders* (HAN5)
Handbery, Mrs* (HAN1)
Handon, Cousin* (HAN2)
Hanking, Jane* (HAN4)
Haselwood, Alce* (HAS2)
Y1631 (4)
Y1632 (4)
Y1633 (3)
Haselwood, Lady? (HAS1)
Hat., Lord* (HAT1)
Henrietta Maria, Consort of Charles I, King of Great Britain, 1609-1669 (HMQ1)
Hoby, Thomasin* (HOB1)
Hodking, Mrs* (HOD1)
Hopton, Elizabeth* (LEW2)
Ily, Elizabeth* (ILY1)
Ireton* (IRE1)
Ireton, Cousin* (IRE2)
Ireton, Jack* (IRE3)
Isham, Barbara* (BIS1)
Isham, Cousin* (ISH1)
Isham, Elizabeth, 1555-1621* (GRA1)
Y1621 (3)
Isham, Elizabeth, 1636-1689* (ELI1)
Isham, Jane, 1635-1655* (GIN1)
Y1641 (2)
Y1642 (4)
Y1643 (4)
Y1644 (4)
Y1647 (3)
Y1648 (4)
Isham, Jane, d. 1638* (JAN2)
Y1636 (2)
Y1637 (3)
Y1638 (5)
Isham, John, 1582-1651* (DAD1)
Y1624 (3)
Y1625 (4)
Y1628 (2)
Y1630 (2)
Y1633 (2)
Y1634 (2)
Y1635 (2)
Y1636 (4)
Y1637 (2)
Y1638 (4)
Y1640 (3)
Y1641 (3)
Y1642 (3)
Y1645 (2)
Y1647 (6)
Isham, John, 1639-1639* (JOH2)
Isham, Judith, 1590-1625* (MUM1)
Y1616 (2)
Y1622 (3)
Y1623 (2)
Y1625 (2)
Isham, Judith, 1609-1636* (JUD1)
Y1625 (5)
Y1629 (2)
Y1630 (2)
Y1631 (4)
Y1632 (2)
Y1633 (5)
Y1634 (2)
Y1635 (4)
Y1636 (3)
Isham, Judith, 1636-1679* (JUD2)
Y1636 (2)
Y1637 (2)
Isham, Justinian, 1610-1674* (JUS1)
Y1623 (2)
Y1629 (2)
Y1633 (2)
Y1635 (2)
Y1636 (2)
Y1638 (6)
Y1639 (2)
Y1640 (2)
Y1642 (2)
Y1646 (6)
Y1647 (5)
Isham, Richard, 1564-1618* (RIS1)
Isham, Sister?* (SIS1)
Isham, Susanna, 1637-1687* (SUE1)
Y1643 (4)
Y1644 (5)
Y1645 (2)
Y1648 (4)
Jack* (JAC1)
Jack, Mr* (JAC4)
James, Mary* (JAM1)
John, Mr* (JOH1)
Johnson, C.* (JOH3)
Kenad, Margery* (MAK1)
Kinton, Mrs* (KIN1)
Laud, William, 1573-1645 (LAU1)
Lewin, Justinian, 1586-1620* (JUL1)
Lichfield, Goodwife* (LIC1)
Lichfield, Richard* (LIC2)
Lion* (LIO1)
Luther, Uncle* (LUT1)
Luvell? (LUV1)
Maidwell, Mrs* (MAI1)
Y1629 (2)
Man-, Mrs* (MAN2)
Manchester, Henry Montagu, Earl of, 1563?-1642 (MAN1)
Marriat, Nan* (MAR2)
Mary* (MAR1)
Y1645 (2)
Y1647 (2)
Mayden, Mary* (MMD1)
Y1643 (2)
Mede, Joseph, 1586-1638 (MED1)
Y1632 (2)
Nancy* (NAN1)
Neale, Mary, b. 1599* (NEA1)
Ned* (NED1)
Nic., Ed.* (NIC2)
Nokes, Cousin* (NOK1)
Y1646 (2)
Y1648 (2)
Nurse* (NUR1)
Y1640 (2)
Ogden, Mr* (OGD1)
Owen, Dr* (OWE1)
Paget, Anne* (PAG1)
Paget, Cousin* (PAG5)
Paget, Elizabeth* (PAG4)
Paget, James, 1581-1638* (PAG3)
Y1630 (2)
Paget, Thomas* (PAG2)
Pane, Mr* (PAN1)
Parr, Robin* (PAR1)
Y1646 (2)
Peng[elly?], Judith* (PEN1)
Person, Mr* (PER1)
Petty, Edward* (PET3)
Petty, Robert?* (PET1)
Petty, S.* (PET2)
Philips, Frank* (PHI1)
Pill, Elizabeth* (PIL1)
Rafe* (RAF1)
Richard* (RIC1)
Richard* (RIC2)
Robin* (ROB1)
Y1641 (2)
Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682 (RUP1)
Settow, Alce* (ALC2)
Sorrow, Alce* (ALC1)
Sorrow, Susan* (SOR1)
Stokes, Clem* (STO1)
Stuteville, Elizabeth* (EST1)
Stuteville, John* (JST1)
Stuteville, Martin, d. 1631* (MST1)
Stuteville, Susanna, 1580-1653* (SST1)
Thom[as?], Mary* (THO1)
Violet? (VIO1)
Waller, William, Sir, 1597?-1668 (WAL1)
Washington, Anne, d. 1645* (WAS1)
Washington, Nancy* (WAS2)
Wat, Edward* (WAT2)
Watkin, B* (WAT1)
Woodford, Mrs* (WOO1)
Wynant, Catherine* (WYN1)
1638 <1639> 1640
31 1639

and the {w?} of the maids

my Nevy Jack was borne

I help make som things for the Children

for ^\3/ hive skipes - 1 - 10

one swome went thourgh another sworme, \a case/ which was together[?]

I was \not well/ thankful enough \{...}/ and was faint to be taken up [Isa? 3.7?]

while any \slim[?]/ thing cam to me of a sudden I was woot to passifie my selfe with thinking or saying or God send me no worse or let no worse com to me. but now say not so. but think thus Lord I love thee, desiring or being more willing to suffer for thy sake, and to trust \in/ thee.

I praise thee my God wherein divers times in these yeares I have scaped the smale pox and that \very/ neere us

[my] Aunt D[enton] c[ame] {with us?} 2 y[ears?]

[left]I began to teach my niece gin once a day to read

I purposed to take more heed to remember sermons.

Tomasen Hobey cam bes Ily was married away

I began to r[ead] the ser[mons] in order \agen/ with the Doctrin and proofs and used to writ {som?} thing of them on Mondayes after

Lord thou hast ordered my t[ime] with more grace which I have rejoyced to see and praise thee for it for kindnes to my Brother and Sister and my selfe. for I trust thou hast hard my praiers for him and given him {leave?} to repare the Church. tho I wished he had don more for it yet I praise thee for this that thou hardest my praier for if I consider my owne deserts I am not worthy of the least of thy mercies. I be seech thee to increase thy {graces selfe?} more and more and my Brother whom I praise thee for.

and some other things he {...} for to prove which I {...} for [?]

I ended my confessions \about/ this Novemb-[er] the 25

I knit my h.

when I had cast up my {accounts?} I had about 18 sh[illings] for my*