which I sanng and {...} praires
I wrot litle nedle worke +
I receved good
comfort in the
I wrot bothose for my f[ather] and after did my cutwork which I used to doe when the weather was temperate or when I had things fitting
susan H
Wee had P and C begun on S after din-[ner] which I hard my G[randmother] heretofore used
I panted
my mother was ill
my cosin B
M Judith s
I wrot aranw-[ork]
this at this time I take it and the next year after and this I loved for the most part those which were good from that time I observed he that receiveth a prophet in the Name of a prophet, shall not lose his reward. yet I somtimes scofed or laug[t] and at Mr Baxter when he did well and good things which I beseech thee my God to pardon \me/ for thy Sonne sake.
My mother used to have my
S[ister] and I \betwext us/ to
r\e/ad the
meditation upon the pasion of our Savour in
Wee left saying of our Catichisme my f[ather] wishing us still to r[ead] it (which dayly I said to my self still and told us we should be tempted to death and {...} of Jesus Christ
I made wax candle and wrot tenstich
I wrot purls