mr {Johne?}
In this 4 or 5 y[ears] I often led my m[other]
I did work of breadstich and aranw-[ork] and begun my silken A[dam] and E[ve]:
wee left repeting of our chap and only read them to our selves
my Aunt Washington
M my mother
one spake to me from my f[ather] that wee should [us?] have the dary \mony/ but I regarded it not after
my f[ather] wished me to read praires a morni[n]gs {...} [sung?] our selves. which since I have done
I gave a strick acount of it those y[ears] folloing recev[in]g it and seting it doune writing it downe
I knit me a pare of gloves
M my cosen B
my Sister wrot a coife
I did some Aranworke and networke to send for for Mr Cable
I read some
part of
I did some aranw_[ork] on E for farthings \or cable w[or]k/ of mary
I made a washcase which I gave to my f[ather]. my S[ister] wrot a coife.
I played a litle at cards.
I was \not/ willing to learn to writ of plickrowland as my father would have had me, because I was so foolishly conceated of my owne doeing afore, not being willing to {obay?} {my?} {father?} {better?}