Book of Rememberance
Index of People
A., Jane* (JAN1)
A., Robert?* (RBA1)
Aderson, St John* (ADE1)
Allen, Tom* (ALL3)
Allin, Dick* (ALL1)
Allin, Sue* (ALL2)
Amy* (AMY1)
Ann* (ANN1)
Ashon, Mary* (ASH2)
Ashwell, Mary* (ASH1)
B., Cousin* (BXX1)
B., Dr* (BDR1)
Bacon, Elizabeth* (BAC1)
Bacon, Lord* (BAC2)
Bagshew, Mrs* (BAG1)
Bamford, Bess* (BAM1)
Baten, Patience* (BAT2)
Baxter, Daniel* (BAX1)
Betty* (BET1)
Y1636 (2)
Bradsh[ew], Mrs G.* (BRA2)
Bradshew, John* (BRA1)
Bringest, Saury?* (SAB1)
Bs., Cousin* (BSX1)
Bull, M.* (BUL1)
Buning, Mr* (BUN2)
Bunning, Jack* (BUN1)
C., Mrs* (CXX1)
Cable, Mr* (CAB1)
Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649 (KCH1)
Y1645 (2)
Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685 (KCH2)
Cook* (COO2)
Cook, Kit* (KIT1)
Cook, Mr* (COO1)
Cook, Tom* (COO4)
D., Mrs* (DXX1)
Danford, Mrs* (DAN1)
Decon, Alce* (DEC1)
Denton, Anthony, d. 1615* (DEN2)
Denton, Elizabeth, 1578-1664* (DEN1)
Y1638 (3)
Denton, Son?* (DEN3)
Denty, Mary* (DEN4)
Dod, Jane* (DOD3)
Dod, John, 1550-1645* (DOD1)
Dodson, Mrs* (DOD2)
Dryden, John* (DRY2)
Dryden, Mrs* (DRY1)
Y1630 (2)
Elen, Mrs* (ELE1)
Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671 (FAI1)
Far., Goodwife* (FAR3)
Far., Lady?* (FAR4)
Farnon, Mr* (FAR1)
Farnon, Mrs* (FAR2)
Forsight, Nancy* (FOR1)
Foxton, Nancy* (FOX1)
Furvel, Bess* (FUR1)
Gar., Nan* (NAN2)
Y1643 (2)
Garrard, John* (GAR2)
Garret, Elizabeth* (GAR1)
Gibens, C.* (GIB1)
Giles, Dr* (GIL1)
Glover, John* (GLO1)
Glover, Tom* (GLO2)
Good., Mr* (GOO1)
Gr., Jack* (JAC3)
Gray, Doll* (GRA4)
Greenwood, Ann* (GRE1)
Grenal, Isbel? (ISG1)
Groby, Thomas Grey, Baron of, 1623?-1657 (TBG1)
H., Jack* (JAC2)
H., Su* (HSU1)
H[andon], Susan* (HAN3)
Halewell, Dr* (HAL1)
Han., Sanders* (HAN5)
Handbery, Mrs* (HAN1)
Handon, Cousin* (HAN2)
Hanking, Jane* (HAN4)
Haselwood, Alce* (HAS2)
Y1631 (4)
Y1632 (4)
Y1633 (3)
Haselwood, Lady? (HAS1)
Hat., Lord* (HAT1)
Henrietta Maria, Consort of Charles I, King of Great Britain, 1609-1669 (HMQ1)
Hoby, Thomasin* (HOB1)
Hodking, Mrs* (HOD1)
Hopton, Elizabeth* (LEW2)
Ily, Elizabeth* (ILY1)
Ireton* (IRE1)
Ireton, Cousin* (IRE2)
Ireton, Jack* (IRE3)
Isham, Barbara* (BIS1)
Isham, Cousin* (ISH1)
Isham, Elizabeth, 1555-1621* (GRA1)
Y1621 (3)
Isham, Elizabeth, 1636-1689* (ELI1)
Isham, Jane, 1635-1655* (GIN1)
Y1641 (2)
Y1642 (4)
Y1643 (4)
Y1644 (4)
Y1647 (3)
Y1648 (4)
Isham, Jane, d. 1638* (JAN2)
Y1636 (2)
Y1637 (3)
Y1638 (5)
Isham, John, 1582-1651* (DAD1)
Y1624 (3)
Y1625 (4)
Y1628 (2)
Y1630 (2)
Y1633 (2)
Y1634 (2)
Y1635 (2)
Y1636 (4)
Y1637 (2)
Y1638 (4)
Y1640 (3)
Y1641 (3)
Y1642 (3)
Y1645 (2)
Y1647 (6)
Isham, John, 1639-1639* (JOH2)
Isham, Judith, 1590-1625* (MUM1)
Y1616 (2)
Y1622 (3)
Y1623 (2)
Y1625 (2)
Isham, Judith, 1609-1636* (JUD1)
Y1625 (5)
Y1629 (2)
Y1630 (2)
Y1631 (4)
Y1632 (2)
Y1633 (5)
Y1634 (2)
Y1635 (4)
Y1636 (3)
Isham, Judith, 1636-1679* (JUD2)
Y1636 (2)
Y1637 (2)
Isham, Justinian, 1610-1674* (JUS1)
Y1623 (2)
Y1629 (2)
Y1633 (2)
Y1635 (2)
Y1636 (2)
Y1638 (6)
Y1639 (2)
Y1640 (2)
Y1642 (2)
Y1646 (6)
Y1647 (5)
Isham, Richard, 1564-1618* (RIS1)
Isham, Sister?* (SIS1)
Isham, Susanna, 1637-1687* (SUE1)
Y1643 (4)
Y1644 (5)
Y1645 (2)
Y1648 (4)
Jack* (JAC1)
Jack, Mr* (JAC4)
James, Mary* (JAM1)
John, Mr* (JOH1)
Johnson, C.* (JOH3)
Kenad, Margery* (MAK1)
Kinton, Mrs* (KIN1)
Laud, William, 1573-1645 (LAU1)
Lewin, Justinian, 1586-1620* (JUL1)
Lichfield, Goodwife* (LIC1)
Lichfield, Richard* (LIC2)
Lion* (LIO1)
Luther, Uncle* (LUT1)
Luvell? (LUV1)
Maidwell, Mrs* (MAI1)
Y1629 (2)
Man-, Mrs* (MAN2)
Manchester, Henry Montagu, Earl of, 1563?-1642 (MAN1)
Marriat, Nan* (MAR2)
Mary* (MAR1)
Y1645 (2)
Y1647 (2)
Mayden, Mary* (MMD1)
Y1643 (2)
Mede, Joseph, 1586-1638 (MED1)
Y1632 (2)
Nancy* (NAN1)
Neale, Mary, b. 1599* (NEA1)
Ned* (NED1)
Nic., Ed.* (NIC2)
Nokes, Cousin* (NOK1)
Y1646 (2)
Y1648 (2)
Nurse* (NUR1)
Y1640 (2)
Ogden, Mr* (OGD1)
Owen, Dr* (OWE1)
Paget, Anne* (PAG1)
Paget, Cousin* (PAG5)
Paget, Elizabeth* (PAG4)
Paget, James, 1581-1638* (PAG3)
Y1630 (2)
Paget, Thomas* (PAG2)
Pane, Mr* (PAN1)
Parr, Robin* (PAR1)
Y1646 (2)
Peng[elly?], Judith* (PEN1)
Person, Mr* (PER1)
Petty, Edward* (PET3)
Petty, Robert?* (PET1)
Petty, S.* (PET2)
Philips, Frank* (PHI1)
Pill, Elizabeth* (PIL1)
Rafe* (RAF1)
Richard* (RIC1)
Richard* (RIC2)
Robin* (ROB1)
Y1641 (2)
Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682 (RUP1)
Settow, Alce* (ALC2)
Sorrow, Alce* (ALC1)
Sorrow, Susan* (SOR1)
Stokes, Clem* (STO1)
Stuteville, Elizabeth* (EST1)
Stuteville, John* (JST1)
Stuteville, Martin, d. 1631* (MST1)
Stuteville, Susanna, 1580-1653* (SST1)
Thom[as?], Mary* (THO1)
Violet? (VIO1)
Waller, William, Sir, 1597?-1668 (WAL1)
Washington, Anne, d. 1645* (WAS1)
Washington, Nancy* (WAS2)
Wat, Edward* (WAT2)
Watkin, B* (WAT1)
Woodford, Mrs* (WOO1)
Wynant, Catherine* (WYN1)
1620 <1621> 1622


I wrot net, or I made me a cussinet to ware

in these t[imes] my mother and wee often went to wisit old goodw[ife]. leeshfeeld in that t[ime] my G[randmother] commended me for teaching my S[ister] to worke

m I bought C[?] praire[?] G[randmother?] ill

at S[t] James t[ide] my G[randmother] died12

I delighted in a sun diall

I was much pleased at reading the joyes of heaven in the practice of piety so that I desired to see som signe of heavens glory

I wrot a cussinet for Ann greenewood m she went a way and Bes garret cam

my Aunt Denton was here till [srotet?] my Aimy[?] Richard died and Mrs D{...} I did breadstich I wrot net and some paternes of trust

in this or the next y[ear] I read in the second b[ook] _ _ of Marters*

I bough[t] the pensive mans {pract[ice]?} in this or the next year

I[n] these t[imes] or y[ea]r[s] I whited yarne which I made upon my fingers. I did Psalme 8 cover in trusti[tch]

11. Section starts 1621
12. The feast of St James the Apostle was celebrated on 25 July. Isham's grandmother was buried on 10 August .