My Aunt Denton now spoke to me as if she would have me with her I was willing but spoke she {...} I was not very sorrie {yt?} I went not with her which I have bine glad of having that time to serve Need
In march I b.
I wrot Bandstrings
my Aunt
I began my
I made me a pare of bodis
I began some mornings to use the prair my Brother made and Lente me
2 hives whereof one sworm once \{...}/ and cast twise. \Both put together/ the other swormed once and cast once, I having - 2 sh[illings] for it.
for a hive scip - 0 - 6
the sicknes increased {h?}eere {...}
my B[rother]
S[ister] \and gin/
Tom P{...}[?] {2 7?}
I began a pece of pursworke which I did now and then.
Judy and Sue was left here and kept me somt[imes] company
and I preserved
about the time my B[rother] and S[ister]
and a whits som time
{...} after a while
I had a strang hoak, \in my hand and rednes/ or tume which I never had afore and lasted for an houre or 2 and was well agen
also my f[ather] was a while ill one day
I suppose fat meat together with som t[hing?] else[?] was the cause for about this time that seing to hear my father spoken against I bent my selfe to praier for him
my B[rother] and S[ister]
I {... illeg words} with them and others led[?] my f[ather] to send for my B[rother] and S[ister]
my uncle pagitt
I gave my father hancher
my Brother was sicke of an ague and my