Book of Rememberance
Index of Places
Banbury (Oxfordshire, England)
Brentford (London, England)
Cottesbrook (England)*
Hull (England)
Leicester (England)
London (England)
Y1627 (2)
Market Harborough (England)
Naseby (England)
New England
Newark (England)
Y1645 (2)
Oxford (England
Oxford (England)
Y1646 (2)
Suffolk (England)
Wales, South
1646 <1647> 1648

did Han: purls

{...} of doct[or] Halewell

g[rea]t rining for {Chris[tma]s?} {...}

my Br[other] c[ame] {...}

{...} gracd {...} paid

{2 illegible lines}

{...} the 2 part {of} no wo[u]nd s[o]. g[rea]t.

2 figurs Capta[in?] {...} to \Hoby/

{...} h[e]r after cap

my Br[other]{...}

{...} co[n]tent of the Psalmes

fast for herisies {...} L[or?]d Baco[n]s la[?]

made my lin[n]en my fa[the]r {...} B[ook] of Gardening

h[is] g[rea]t ruf-cuffs

my fa[the]r g[rea]t fit an[othe]r of Bleeding Mary {...} h[e]r[e?] 2 {...} woodcloss

Tom Allen died

c[o]s[en] Nok[es] c[ame] {...} very well {...} ill

c[o]s[en] Bs[?] sha[?] Marr: {...}

I made an end of the L[or]d Ba[con] ['s] la[?]

king healed / S[i]r Edward Wat[?] h[e]r[e] {...} Name of the {...} of my Br[other] s {...}

{...} rosmary Loss-[enges?]

{...} taug[ht] Gin cutw[ork?]

c[o]s[en] Ireto[n] died

took possio[n?] of help {...}

1 damask rose so soon

helped G[in] {...} h[e]r Pot

{...} Agen {...} Su H {...}

tane {...} 13 pou[n]d for New Cowes lost

{...} old wool

win {...}

my Fa[the]r {...} and {...} the {Pally?} made {...} helped h[im]

my God I praise thee for h[is]scaping

sould[iers] c[ame] for the King {...} Hoby {...} my Br[other] c[ame]

{...} mary {...} h[e]r frends {...}

To[m] Glover c[ame]

mary James {...} c[o]s[en] Han first

{...} London

I vo[m]ited [?]

M doll Gray h[e]r 7 roses

Mrs Bagsh[e]w Sr[?]

Ed Nic hr

{...} Br {...} Sacks [?]

Jack Ireto[n] c[ame]

Tom Cook h[e]r[e] died a whill after

c[o]s[en] Isha[m] {...} h[e]r[e]

Mrs G \Bradsh In/ din hr

f[athe]r sick

r[ead] Jacobs resoli[n]g

{...} silk worms {...}

r[ead] Juvenal

{...} Apples {...} clipyard

{...}[ my father gave me a?] case of knifes {...}

{...} [my father gave me a?] horse

{...} Chil[dren] did Biskit {...} sing 3 gif[t]s my God gave me

{...}wascots my Br[other] ill Doct[or] B w[a]s h[e]r[e] - my L[or]d {...}

my fa[ther] had {...} Gins coifes - {...}

King [?] {...} cast up my accou[n]ts Alce decon {...}


39. Section starts 1647