I wrought letle nedelworke lace for my B[rother]
I began my cutwork {hanckerchiefe?}
I read som of
my Sister was somewhat ill
I began to plock flowers
my cosen Farnon and his wife
and my cosen [B?] Watkin
my father told me (as I take it about this time) that I would forget my righting but I think I have remembered it
M my cosen Maidwell
I \r[ead]/ profited by a good plane sermon of Mr Cable the text was Cor.2.12.
Mr Cook
M mary Ashwell
about this time I thought I should \{...}/, \or[?]/ know, what was best \my diet/ for my selfe and agreeable to my owne Nature according to the proverb by 20 one should be a foole or phisition.
I \think/ [I] was about my tenstech purs
I sent[?] my cosen maidw[ell] 6 yard of smal[?] {...} which I [maid?] this winter
I taught my S[ister] this winter following to worke a purs for my B[rother], and my selfe wrought one
New England was now began to be spoken on.