Book of Rememberance
Index of Places
Banbury (Oxfordshire, England)
Brentford (London, England)
Cottesbrook (England)*
Hull (England)
Leicester (England)
London (England)
Y1627 (2)
Market Harborough (England)
Naseby (England)
New England
Newark (England)
Y1645 (2)
Oxford (England
Oxford (England)
Y1646 (2)
Suffolk (England)
Wales, South
1620 <1621> 1622


I wrot net, or I made me a cussinet to ware

in these t[imes] my mother and wee often went to wisit old goodw[ife]. leeshfeeld in that t[ime] my G[randmother] commended me for teaching my S[ister] to worke

m I bought C[?] praire[?] G[randmother?] ill

at S[t] James t[ide] my G[randmother] died12

I delighted in a sun diall

I was much pleased at reading the joyes of heaven in the practice of piety so that I desired to see som signe of heavens glory

I wrot a cussinet for Ann greenewood m she went a way and Bes garret cam

my Aunt Denton was here till [srotet?] my Aimy[?] Richard died and Mrs D{...} I did breadstich I wrot net and some paternes of trust

in this or the next y[ear] I read in the second b[ook] _ _ of Marters*

I bough[t] the pensive mans {pract[ice]?} in this or the next year

I[n] these t[imes] or y[ea]r[s] I whited yarne which I made upon my fingers. I did Psalme 8 cover in trusti[tch]

11. Section starts 1621
12. The feast of St James the Apostle was celebrated on 25 July. Isham's grandmother was buried on 10 August .