Book of Rememberance
Index of Places
Banbury (Oxfordshire, England)
Brentford (London, England)
Cottesbrook (England)*
Hull (England)
Leicester (England)
London (England)
Y1627 (2)
Market Harborough (England)
Naseby (England)
New England
Newark (England)
Y1645 (2)
Oxford (England
Oxford (England)
Y1646 (2)
Suffolk (England)
Wales, South
1616 <1617> 1618

from this y[ea]r forwarde as I take it I used to read in Godly Garden at Chris-[tmas] and other t[imes] when I went not to Church

Aranwork and bread[s]tich

in this y[ear] and the next I somti[mes] sought for pines on sondayes

m[y?] gran-[dmother] sicke my uncle richard died, our next* my uncle Lewin cam \in/

in these t[imes] I whiped the top for my exercise

in this yere or \and/ the next I wrot finger work and somt[imes] trustich and brea[d]stich for Luvell[?] and boxces and bascets of the maids

in winter evening we played at fortin for pince

6. Section starts 1617