Index of Perdita women

The bracketed number at the end of each index entry indicates how many mss relate to the Perdita woman in question.



Anne, Lady Elcho* (2)
Anon (3)
Anon (1)
Anon (1)
Anon midwife, fl. 1665-1675* (1)
Anon midwife, fl. 1694-1716* (1)
Archer, Ann, fl. 1609-1617* (1)
Arthington, Mary, fl. 1680-1700* (1)
Ashmole, Ann (Bowyer)*, d.1646 (2)
Astell, Mary, 1668-1731 (1)
Aston, Grace, fl. 1621* (1)
Austen, Katherine, fl. 1664-1668* (1)
Ayliffe, Judith, fl. 1691-1695* (1)
Ayscough, Lady, fl. 1692* (1)


Baillie, Grisell* (1)
Baker, Margaret, fl. 1650* (2)
Barbour, Jane, fl. c.1625* (1)
Barker, Jane (2)
Barrett, Lady, fl. c. 1700* (1)
Barrington, Lady Joan, c.1558-1641* (1)
Basset, Mary, d. 1572 (1)
Bathurst, Anne, fl. 1679-1696* (3)
Baumfylde, Mary* (1)
Baxter, Elizabeth, fl. 1703/4* (1)
Beale, Elizabeth, fl. 1681-1705* (1)
Beale, Mary, 1632-1697 (2)
Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689 (1)
Bent, Mary, fl. 1664* (1)
Benyon, Hester, fl. 1702* (1)
Berkeley, Elizabeth, Lady, 1576-1635 (1)
Best, Dorothy* (1)
Bethell, Alathea, fl. 1655-1708* (1)
Birkett, Elizabeth, fl. c. 1700* (1)
Blount, Lady Ann* (1)
Boyle, family of* (1)
Bradstreet, Anne, 1612?-1672 (2)
Brett, Hopestill* (1)
Brockman, Anne, fl. 1638* (1)
Brockman, Elizabeth, d. 1687* (3)
Brown, Katherine* (1)
Brumwich, Anne (fl. c. 1625-1700)* (1)
Buckhurst, Jane* (1)
Bulkeley, Elizabeth (fl. 1627)* (1)
Bunbury, Priscilla (fl. 17th c.)* (1)
Burghley, Mildred Cooke Cecil, Lady, 1526-1589 (1)
Burghope, Marie (fl. 1699)* (1)
Burgoyne, Anne, Lady, 1642 or 3-1694 (1)
Burnet, Elizabeth, 1661-1709 (1)
Butler, Elizabeth (fl. 1679)* (1)
Butler, Katherine*, fl.1693-1745 (2)


Campbell, Henrietta Lindsay* (1)
Carey, Mary, Lady, c.1609-c.1680 (1)
Carlyon, Mrs* (1)
Carr, Mrs (fl. 1682)* (1)
Cary, Anne* (1)
Cary, Elizabeth, Lady, 1585 or 6-1639. (3)
Cary, Grace (2)
Castleton, Lady Grace* (1)
Catchmay, Lady Frances (fl. c. 1625)* (1)
Cater, Anne (Kendall)* (1)
Chantrell, Mary (fl. 1690)* (1)
Cheyne, Jane, Lady, 1621-1669 (3)
Cheyney, Anne* (1)
Clarke, Elizabeth* (1)
Clarke, Elizabeth*, fl. 1650 (4)
Clarke, Mrs* (1)
Clerk, Margaret* (1)
Clerke, Mary (fl. later 17th c.)* (1)
Clifton, Dame Frances* (1)
Collace, Jean* (2)
Constable, Catherine (fl. late 17th c.)* (1)
Cooper, Ollive* (1)
Corbett, Alice (fl. mid 17th c.)* (1)
Cornwallis, Anne* (2)
Corylon, Mrs (fl. before 1654)* (1)
Cotton, Catharine* (1)
Cowper, Sarah, 1644-1720 (17)
Cramond, Elizabeth Richardson, Baroness, d.1651 (8)
Cruso, Mary* (1)
Cunningham, Margaret* (2)


Dacres, Lady Mary (fl. 1666-1696)* (1)
Daniell, Elizabeth, fl. 1660-1663* (1)
Darnell, Susan (fl. 1635)* (1)
Davenant, Elizabeth* (1)
Davies, Eleanor* (1)
Davies, Katherine (fl. 1680)* (1)
Davies, Mary* (1)
Dawson, Jane* (1)
De la Bere, Ann, fl. 17th c.* (1)
De la Bere, Hester, fl. 17th c.* (1)
Delaval, Anne, Lady, fl. 1686-1703* (1)
Delaval, Elizabeth, 1648?-1717* (1)
Denbigh, Hester* (1)
Denton, Anne*, 1548-1566 (2)
Dewes, Anne (Granville), 1707-1761* (1)
Dicke, Barbara (fl. earlier 17th c.)* (1)
Digby family* (1)
Digby, Elizabeth (fl. 1650)* (1)
Doggett, Mary (fl. 1682)* (1)
Dorset, Lady Marquess* (1)


Egerton, Elizabeth Cavendish, 1626-1663 (6)
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603 (13)
Erskine, Mary* (1)
Evelyn, Mary, 1665-1685 (3)
Evelyn, Mary, d.1709 (4)
Eyre, E.* (1)
Eyre, Martha, c.1636-1728* (1)
Eyton, Amy (fl. 1691-1738)* (1)


Fane, Rachel, Lady, 1613-1680* (4)
Fanshawe, Anne Harrison, Lady, 1625-1680 (2)
Feilding, Dorothy (Frances)* (1)
Fish, Anne, fl. 1699* (1)
Fitzherbert, Dionys, 1608-?* (3)
Fothergill, Mary* (1)
Fowler, Constance Aston, b. ca. 1621 (3)
Fowler, Elizabeth* (1)
Fox, Elizabeth (fl. 1662-1672)* (1)
Freke, Elizabeth, 1641-1714* (3)


Gale, Mary* (1)
Gibson, Joan (fl. 1669)* (1)
Glover, Mary (fl. 1688)* (1)
Glydd, Anne (fl. 1656-1700)* (1)
Godfrey, Elizabeth (fl. 1686)* (1)
Goodale, Mrs* (1)
Goodenough, Ann* (1)
Granville, Mary* (1)
Greene, Margaret* (1)
Gregor, Elisabeth Moyle, fl. 1684* (1)
Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554 (2)
Gullyford, Hester (fl. 1679)* (1)
Gwynne, Dorcas (fl. mid 17th c.)* (1)


Halifax, Anne Yelverton, Countess of Montagu* (1)
Halkett, Anne, Lady, 1622-1699 (31)
Hall, Constance* (1)
Harcourt, Anne (fl. 17th c.)* (1)
Harley, Brilliana, Lady (1)
Hase, or Hasc, Mary, fl. 1650s* (1)
Hay, Anna* (1)
Hay, Mary* (1)
Henthorne, Elizabeth* (2)
Herbert (Sidney), Mary, Countess of Pembroke (8)
Hirst, Elizabeth (fl. 1684-c.1725)* (1)
Hoby, Lady Margaret* (1)
Hodges, Martha (fl. c. 1675-1725)* (1)
Holland, Catherine, 1637-1720 (1)
Honywood, Mary* (1)
Hooker, Blanch, fl. 1691* (1)
Hookes, Mary, 1680* (1)
Horsington, Sarah* (1)
Hudson, Sarah (fl. 1678)* (1)
Hughes, Sarah (fl. 1637)* (1)
Hulton, Ann Henry, 1686-1752* (1)
Huntingdon, Elizabeth Hastings, Countess of, 1587-1633 (10)
Huntingdon, Lucy Davies Hastings, Countess of, d. 1679 (1)
Huntingdon, Lucy Davies Hastings, Countess of, d. 1679 (1)
Hutchinson, Lucy, b. 1620 (9)
Hyde, Bridget (fl. 1676-1690)* (2)


Inglis, Esther, 1571-1624 (40)
Isham, Elizabeth* (2)


Jackson, Jane (fl. 1642)* (1)
Jacob, Elizabeth (fl. 1654-c.1685)* (1)
Jeake, Elizabeth (fl. c. 1700)* (1)
Jeffreys, Joyce (d. 1650)* (1)
Jekyll, Elizabeth, fl. 1643-1652* (1)
Jocelin, Elizabeth, 1596-1622 (8)
Johnston, Mrs* (1)


Kellond, Abigail (fl. 1684-1710)* (1)
Kendall, Rose* (1)
Kidder, Katherine (fl. 1699)* (1)


Lead, Jane* (1)
Legat, Dorothy* (1)
Lennox, Margaret Douglas, Countess of, 1515-1578 (1)
LeStrange, Lady, Alice (fl. 1617)* (1)
Ley, Anne, d.1641 (1)
Longe, Sarah* (1)
Love, Grizell (1)
Love, Mary (fl. 1660)* (3)
Lowe, Katherine* (1)
Lowther, Lady Elizabeth (Hare, Leigh)* (1)
Lucas, Baroness, Mary, d. 1702* (1)
Lucy, Constance* (1)
Lucy, Elizabeth, d.1691 (1)
Lumley, Jane Lumley, Baroness, ca. 1537-1577 (3)
Lyttelton, Elizabeth*, b. c.1648 (2)


Madcap, Mary* (1)
Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558 (1)
Mary, Queen of Scots, 1542-1587 (1)
Meade, Mrs (fl. 1688-1727)* (1)
Meyrick, Jane* (1)
Mildmay, Grace, Lady, 1552-1620 (4)
Miller, Mary (fl. 1660)* (1)
More, Mary, fl. 1674 (1)
Morton, Anne* (1)
Mountagu, Anne, fl. 1573-1648* (1)
Murray, Katherine Hamilton (1)


Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674 (1)
Newell, Elizabeth, fl. 1655-1668* (1)
Newton (or White), Jane (fl. 1692)* (1)
Nicolson, Magdalen* (1)
North, Dorothy (fl. 1588-1589)* (1)


Okeover, Elizabeth (fl. c. 1675-1725)* (1)
Oldfield, Lady Alice* (1)
Oldisworth, Margaret (fl. late 17th c.)* (1)


Packe, Susanna* (1)
Packer, Katherine* (1)
Pakington, Dorothy, Lady, fl. c. 1640* (1)
Palmer, Julia*, fl. 1664-1673 (2)
Parker, Bridget (fl. 1663)* (1)
Parker, Jane (fl. 1651)* (1)
Paston, Margaret (fl. late 17th c.)* (1)
Paton, Agnes* (1)
Patrick, Penelope Jephson* (1)
Peebles, Barbara (3)
Pelham, Frances, Lady* (1)
Pelham, Margaret* (1)
Pembroke, Anne Clifford Herbert, Countess of, 1590-1676 (5)
Pengelly, Rachel (fl. 1659)* (1)
Penington, Mary, b.1657 (1)
Percy, Anne* (1)
Perrott, Mary (fl. 1695)* (1)
Petty, Elizabeth (?-1708)* (1)
Petway, Mary* (1)
Phelips, Anne* (1)
Philipps, Elizabeth (fl. 1684)* (1)
Philips, Dorothy* (1)
Philips, Katherine* (7)
Pilkington, Hannah* (1)
Polwhele, Elizabeth (2)
Powell, Mabella* (1)
Pudsey, Lettice* (1)
Pulter, Hester,?1608-1678 (1)


Rand, Abigail* (1)
Randolph, Grace (Blome)* (1)
Ranelagh, Katherine Jones, Lady (1615-1691)* (1)
Roberts, Mary (fl. 1660-1661)* (1)
Rockingham, Anne (Wentworth) Watson, fl. 17th century* (1)
Rogers, Elizabeth* (1)
Roper, Elizabeth, fl. 1691* (1)
Roper, Mary* (1)
Roper?, Mary* (1)
Ross, Katherine* (2)
Ruishee, Ann (fl. 1633)* (1)
Rutherford, Mrs* (1)


Saint John, Johanna (fl. 1680)* (1)
Sale, Sarah* (1)
Savage, Sarah, 1664-1752 (4)
Seafield, Anne Dunbar Ogilvy, Lady, 1672-1708 (1)
Seager, Jane, fl. 1589* (1)
Shaw, Miss (fl. 17th-18th c.)* (1)
Shrewsbury, Elizabeth Hardwick Talbot, Countess of, 1520-1608 (1)
Skinner, Anne* (1)
Sleigh, Elizabeth (fl. 17th c.)* (1)
Smith, Abigail (fl. c. 1700)* (1)
Smith, Elizabeth (fl. c. 1700)* (1)
Southwell, Anne, bap. 1574-1636 (3)
Spencer, Margaret (fl. 1610-1613)* (1)
Springatt, Frances (fl. 1686)* (1)
Standish, Cecilia (Bindloss)* (2)
Stanhope, Katherine, Countess of Chesterfield, c. 1609-1667* (2)
Stanley, Alice, Countess of Derby* (1)
Staveley, Jane* (1)
Steel, Rebecca* (1)
Stewart, Marie, Countess of Mar* (1)
Stockton, Elianor* (1)
Strangways, Judith Edwards (fl. 1626-1631)* (1)
Sudell, Joanna* (1)


Talbot, Alathea, Countess of Arundel and Surrey (fl. before 1654)* (1)
Talbot, Barbara Slingsby* (1)
Tenison, Anne (fl. late 17th c.)* (4)
Thatcher, Catherine* (1)
Thomas, Katherine, fl.1665-1694 (2)
Thompson, Anne (fl. late 17th c.)* (1)
Thompson, Mary (fl. 1650)* (1)
Truesdale, Jane*, d.1704 (2)
Turner, Elizabeth* (1)
Twice, Anne* (1)
Twysden, Anne, Lady, 1575-1638* (1)
Twysden, Isabella* (4)
Tylston, Hannah, fl. 18th c.* (1)
Tylston, Katherine Henry* (1)
Tylston, Katherine, fl. 18th c.* (1)


Veitch, Marion* (1)
Vyner, Mary (fl. 17th c.)* (1)


Waller, Miss* (1)
Walsh, Octavia (1675?-1706)* (1)
Warwick, Mary Rich, Countess of, 1625-1678 (8)
Webber, Mary, fl. 1694* (1)
Welby, Elizabeth, fl. 1682* (1)
Welden, Elizabeth* (1)
Wemyss, Jean* (3)
Wemyss, Margaret, Lady*, 1630-c.1649 (2)
Wenman, Agnes* (3)
Wentworth, Anna Maria* (1)
Wentworth, Elizabeth (fl. 1655-1664)* (1)
Wharton, Anne, 1632?-1685 (1)
Whitfeld, Felicia (fl. 17th c.)* (1)
Williams, Anna, alias Cromwell, 1623-1688 (1)
Williams, Elizabeth* (1)
Wilmot, Elizabeth, Countess of Rochester* (1)
Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720 (2)
Windham, Katherine (fl. 1669-1696)* (2)
Witt, Jane (fl. 1688-1694)* (1)
Witton, Grandmother* (1)
Woodeford, Mary, fl. 1680s* (1)
Worsley, Ellen* (2)
Wright, Lucy, fl. c.1700* (1)
Wriothesley, Lady Jane* (1)
Wroth, Mary, Lady, ca. 1586 - ca. 1640 (3)
Wrottesley, Anne, fl. 1643* (1)
Wyvill, Ursula, 1619-1680* (1)


Yate, Joanne* (1)
Young, Margaret, Dame* (1)