Repository: Folger Library

Folger Library: A2254.5
Notebook, 1679-90, of Sarah Sale (1679-1690)
Sarah Sale (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS Add. 758
Accounts (c. 1674)
Anne Halifax (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS Add. 931
Cookery book (late 17th to early 18th c.)
Mary Hookes (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS Add. 940
Cookery and medical receipt book (17th c.)
Lady Grace Castleton (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS E.a.1
Prose miscellany of recipes, prayers, meditations, accounts, and a description of the trial, execution, and funeral of Mary Queen of Scots (c. 1550-c. 1590)
Anne Denton (scribe)

Folger Library: MS N.b.3
Miscellany (c. 1685-c. 1702)
Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (Author)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.162
Verse miscellany (mid 17th c.)
Elizabeth Welden (Scribe)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.166
Biographies of Constance, Lady Lucy, and her daughter-in-law Elizabeth (After December 1694)
(Author) Elizabeth Lucy
(Author, Scribe) Martha Eyre

Folger Library: MS V.a.20
Receipt book (1672)
Constance Hall (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.215
Receipt book (1674)
Susanna Packe (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.220
Discourse of Friendship (1667)
(Author) Mary Beale
Summary entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.271
Notes on bible commentaries (c. 1681-c. 1705)
Elizabeth Beale (Author)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.347
Sermons, receipts and family records (1616-1617)
Dorothy Philips (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.387
Medical and culinary receipt book (1639)
Katherine Packer (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.388
Medical receipt book (c. 1660)
Mrs Carlyon (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.396
Receipt book (1671-1675)
Penelope Jephson Patrick (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.397
Receipt book (c. 1650-1662)
Katherine Brown (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.401
Receipt book (1693-1694)
Jane Staveley (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.425
Receipt book (c. 1610)
Sarah Longe (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.429
Cookery and medical receipt book (c.1675-c.1750)
Rose Kendall (Compiler)
Anne Kendall Cater (Compiler)
Elizabeth Clarke (Compiler)
Anna Maria Wentworth (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.430
Receipt book (c.1640-c.1750)
Mary Granville (Compiler)
Anne (Granville) Dewes (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.450
Cookery and medical receipt book (c. 1675)
Lettice Pudsey (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.456
Medical and cookery receipt book plus later verses (1626, 1707)
Mary Baumfylde (Compiler)
Catherine Thatcher (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.468
Cookery book also containing medical receipts, sermons, a hymn and a poem (1684)
Elizabeth Fowler (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.473
Spiritual exercises (c. 1650)
Member of the Digby family (Author)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.511
Instructions for my children, or any other Christian, 1606 (1606-c.1750 )
Elizabeth Richardson ( Author, main scribe)

Folger Library: MS V.a.7
Cookery and medical receipt book (1653)
Jane Buckhurst (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.89
Leaves from a verse miscellany of court poetry (c. 1580-c. 1595)
Anne Cornwallis (owner)

Folger Library: MS V.a.91
Octonaries upon the vanity and inconstancy of the world (1600)
Esther Inglis (Scribe)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.92
Octonaries upon the vanity and inconstancy of the world (1607)
Esther Inglis (Scribe)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.93
Psalms (1599)
Esther Inglis (Scribe)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.94
Psalms (1608)
Esther Inglis (Scribe)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.b.139
Household account book (1628-1631)
Mary Petway (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.b.14
Cookery book (late 17th century)
Jane Dawson (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.b.231
Poetry (1670)
Katherine Philips (Author)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.b.301
Cookery book (1697)
Grace (Blome) Randolph (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS W.a.311
Cookery book (c. 1700)
Mrs Johnston (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS W.a.332
Cookery book (c. 1700-1775)
Ann Goodenough (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS X.d.177
Jests and poems, compiled c.1595, with later additions (c. 1595-c. 1660)
Elizabeth Clarke (scribe)

Folger Library: MS X.d.24
Receipt book (1689)
Mary Cruso (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS X.d.486
Account book (1548-1550)
Lady Elizabeth Cavendish (later Countess of Shrewsbury) (Compiler)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS X.d.499
Journal (Begun 1699/1700)
Anne Fish (Author)
Short entry.