Item genre: Sententia

The Folger Shakespeare Library: MS V.b.198
Miscellany containing poetry, prose, and notes (1587-1636)
(author, occasional scribe)

Item 63 (Commonplace, Sententia), fol. 69r-v


1 He that knows not where to find the sea, let him take a river for his guide


and he that thinks he will not forgive him accuses him of falsehood, for he hath sworn by himself

[This is a list of 30 apothegms.]

Bodleian Library: MS Ashmole 51
Commonplace book containing sententious rhyming couplets, six poems, an inscription from a gravestone, notes on colours, and handwriting exercises (c.1590-1617)

Item 12 (Notes, Sententia, Display alphabet, Calligraphic writing), fols 12 rev.-20v rev.

Calligraphic exercises, including alphabets, proverbial sayings, epistolary salutations, and punctuation symbols.

[For this final section, the manuscript has been reversed so that the end of the volume forms a new beginning. I believe that the main hand is Hand A, but it is so much neater than the rest of Hand A's entries that it is open to debate. First appears a list of punctuation symbols (fol. 19v rev.), then on fol. 19r the alphabet has been written eight times and the name " Ann Bowyr" appears at the bottom of the page. On fol. 18v a proverbial saying about the evils of wine has been transcribed six times, and the name "Ann Bowyr" appears again at the bottom of the page. On fol. 18r the alphabet appears four times, and on fol. 17v the salutation of a letter, addressing a sister, has been written four times, in at least two different hands (Hand A and C). Hand C, making its only appearance here, may be a sibling, given the subject matter. Fol. 17r contains one copy of the alphabet, and fol. 16v a proverbial saying on never comitting your honour to fortune. That proverb is signed "Ann Bowyr". Fol. 16r contains the letters A through M followed by lower case m's, and fol. 15v a proverbial saying on the virtue of charitable deeds. Fol. 15r contains the rest of the alphabet begun on fol. 16r (N through Z), again followed by lower case m's, and fol. 14v contains an incomplete proverb on the folly of quarreling with a mighty man. On fol. 14r is one copy of the alphabet, and on fol. 13v a proverb on the just man fearing nothing. On fol. 13r we have one copy of the alphabet, and on fol. 12v simply two lower case a's, each followed by a colon. On fol. 12r is a final copy of the alphabet.]

(scribe)Hand A
(scribe)Hand B

[Fols 20r-v are blank.]

Bodleian Library: MS Rawl. D 1092 ff. 136r-156v
Book of spiritual memoranda ( 1701-1709)
Elizabeth Burnet (Author)

Item 7 (Sententia), fol.137r

Admiration may attend great qualities in the mind, but esteem can only follow good ones

Bodleian Library: MS Rawl. D 1092 ff. 136r-156v
Book of spiritual memoranda ( 1701-1709)
Elizabeth Burnet (Author)

Item 40 (Sententia), fol.145v

Nothing refines the reasoning faculty more than rising early, constant exercising of it, and keeping the mind calm from all kinds of passion

St. Paul's Cathedral Library: MS 52.D.14
Commonplace book of poetic and prose extracts, begun 1696 (1696-c.1745. The flyleaf suggests that Butler acquired the manuscript in 1693 from her father. The two sections of her commonplace book (poetry and prose) each begin with the date 1696. The final item Butler compiled in the poetry section is probably taken from a printed work of 1720. The penultimate item Butler compiled in the prose section is dated 1745. Three later hands added to the volume after this.)
Katherine Butler (owner, scribe)

Item 3 (Verse, Drama, Commonplace, Extract, Sententia), fols 176v-194v

Verse extracts from a variety of sources


[This section is prefaced by the following epigraph written by Katherine Butler on an otherwise blank page (fol. 176v): ""The reason why I wrote severall of these following Verses, was not that I thought them all good, but the subjects was - what, I had occasion to make vse of"". With one exception (the second item on fol. 177r, on grief) all of the passages in this section are in verse. See Context and purpose article for a general discussion of the contents of these pages.]

(scribe)Hand B

[End of poetry section. Manuscript is reversed and the final page is now a new first page.]

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 8.5 (Prose, Sententia)

Si quis percurrere omnes scriptores


et faciendi libros plures non est finis

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 9.5 (Prose, Sententia)

Cum omni solicitudine veritatis indaganda est causa


Iudices veritatem, et legum et iustitiae vestigia sequi debent

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 10.5 (Prose, Sententia)

Mens avara semel vinculis cupidatatis astricta


Vende animam lucro.


Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 11.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Rasit Amon dimidiam partem barbae eorum


Itaque Virgo Viri



[In Officiis]

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 12.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Inveterate dierum malorum


Stultitia est quae me non finit esse senem.

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 13.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Qui parcit virgae odit filium suum


animum eius ab inferno liberabis

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 14.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Vir insipiens fovit malum


et qui foveam fodit incidet in eam

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 15.5 (Prose, Sententia)

Est via quae videtur homini iusta


Salus ubi multa consilia

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 16.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Infantium insensatorum more viventes


Boni autem mores plusquam divitiae operantur.

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 17.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Ne moliaris amico tuo malum


Potentes potenter tormenta patientur

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 18.3 (Prose, Sententia)

Erit tempus cum sanam doctrinam non sustinebunt


habent Mosen et Prophetas audiant illos

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 19.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Sapiens timet


Dum prospexero non confundar in aeternum

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 20.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Ne intenderis fallaciae mulieris


Littore quot conchae, tot sunt in amore dolores

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 21.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Non miseretur eorum qui assidue peccant


Vis ergo evadere quod incertum est, age penitentiam dum sanus es

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 22.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Qui edificat domum suam


et cenaculum suum in iudicio

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 23.3 (Prose, Sententia)

Cum ad aequales bibitur


Foecundi calices quem non fecere desertum

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 24.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Noli anxius esse in divitiis iniustis


Dives et Pauper obviaverunt, utriusque operator est Dominus

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 25.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Non potestis Deo servire et Mammoni.


Cor ingrediens duas vias, non habebit successus.

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 26.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Omnis natura bestiarum


Qui inconsideratus est ad loquendum, sentiet mala.

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 27.5 (Prose, Sententia)

Bene docendo, et male vivendo


Ad decernendum propria sensus habet

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 28.3 (Prose, Sententia)

Si quid invenisti et non reddidisti


Unus quisque scire debet quod suum non est, ad alium pertinere

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 29.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Usquequo parvuli diligitis infantiam


Discite causas rerum, quid sumus, et unde

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 30.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Successus humanae prosperitatis


tarditatem supplicii gravitate compensat

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 31.3 (Prose, Sententia)

O curas hominum o quantum est


quae precepit tibi Deus illa cogita

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 32.3 (Prose, Sententia)

Qui mutuum recipit


Omnia tempus habent, et suis spaciis transeunt

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 33.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Orabat autem scelestus


Psallam spiritu, psallam et mente

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 34.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Quantum plus laboraverit


duo monosyllaba versant est et non est

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 35.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Nolite loqui iniquitatem adversus Deum Proverbs 9

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 36.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Nec qui praeteriit iterum


Mors est ultimum terribilium

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 37.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Ambitio causa Pluralitatis


Non habemus hic civitatem permanentem

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 38.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Consuetudo est altera natura


ne differas de die in diem

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 39.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Adde ceram cohibe


Custodes cauta est ab illis, incipit uxor

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 40.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Ab Venus ad nutum trahis omnia


Corpora tu maculas, animas in tartara mergis

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 41.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Perigrinatio non facit Medicum


et nulla ars dicitur loco

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 42.4 (Prose, Sententia)

Debet homo lentum


vehemens equitatare iumentum

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 127 (Sententia), fol. 63v [p. 126]

Pen and wash drawing, and miscellaneous Latin, English and French texts, on falling into vice when attenpting to avoid vice

J. Swete

[Numbered 120]

In vitium saepe ducit Culpae fuga. One extreme often begets another!

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 128 (Sententia), fol. 64r [p. 127]

Pen and wash drawing, and miscellaneous French, English and Latin texts, on the powerlessness of Fortune

J. Swete

[Numbered 121]

La Fortune ne fait point le merite! Fortune cannot give desert!

Newberry Library: Wing MS ZW 645.K292
Les Quatrains du Sieur de Pybrac (1607)
Esther Inglis (Scribe)

Item 5 (Verse, Religious writing, Sententia), fols. 3r-75v

Quatrains du Sieur de Pybrac

Dieu tout premier, puis pere et mere honore


Voila les fruits de ma philosophie.


[126 quatrains, numbered with Roman numerals, transcribed on rectos only. 1 or 2 quatrains on each page, headed by a decorated bird, flower or insect.]

Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 5 (Notes, Sententia, Sermon), pp. 170 rev.-104 rev.

(Scribe) Dorothy Browne

Sermon notes, texts, and homilies in an earlier hand

[Rebecca Rees has discovered that this hand is that of Dorothy Browne, Elizabeth Lyttelton's mother (personal communication with this Perdita researcher; article forthcoming). Browne compiled her material before Lyttelton (for example, see p. 171, which shows Lyttelton continuing her transcription of the Ralegh letter, Item 4, working around Browne's entry).]

(scribe)Hand B
Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 6.9 (Verse, Couplet, Sententia), pp. 92 rev.-85 rev.

(Author (attrib.)) Philip Woodhouse

Eight pages of versified proverbs (many in couplet form) attributed to Sir Philip Woodhouse

[For other pieces attributed to Woodhouse see Items 2.23 and 2.28.]

Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 6.9.1 (Verse, Couplet, Sententia), pp. 92 rev.-92 rev.

Some Arabian proverbs

Too strict a silence often does bewray


is more an orphan, who wants philosophy

16 lines
Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 6.9.2 (Verse, Couplet, Sententia), pp. 91 rev.-85 rev.

Philip Woodhouse (Author (attrib.))

Italian and French proverbs rhythmized

They cannot dance amiss


who's grieved yet scorns to do indecently

[The attribution on p. 85 is ""by the ever Honourd Sr Phillip Woodhouse"". ]

125 lines
Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.188
Commonplace book of prose extracts and sermons (1672-1694)
Jane Truesdale (scribe)
Jane Truesdale's unnamed father (scribe)

Item 1.1 (Sententia, Front matter), fol. i r

(scribe)Hand B

A proverb

He who makes himself a sheep, becomes a prey to the wolf

[This is the whole text of the item.]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 11 (Religious writing, Sententia), pp. 41-46

[Sayings on faith, mercy, sin, grace, promises, the transitory nature of life, pride, lusts, righteousness, providence, obedience, and the sufficiency of Christ.]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 12.10 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 66

[Saying on good from evil.]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 12.12 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 68

[Three sayings.]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 12.15 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 73

[Saying on Cain's sin.]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 12.18 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 82

[Two sayings and the phrase "prase the Lord o my soule" .]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 12.22 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 89

[Saying on the flesh]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 18 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 101

So let me live that I may be fit to die


to think of old defilements with new delight

[Sayings on Christ's second coming, repentance and sin.]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 20 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 102

Generally we must desire God's mercies greedily


works as if it did not believe

[Sayings on prayer, Christ as fountain, faith.]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 27 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 107

it is a Less Evil to do sin & not love it


whose will is his deed accounts ours so

[Sayings on sin, conscience, and actions]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 28 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 108


Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 30 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 109


Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 32 (Religious writing, Sententia), pp. 110-112


he will never be removed, my Lord help me


Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 36 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 122

God's Mercy is my only merit.

[This is the full text of the item.]

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 39 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 123

Look we down with humility


with faith unto Christ's righteousness

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 41 (Religious writing, Sententia), pp. 123-126

The affection of Love is natural

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 43 (Religious writing, Sententia), pp. 127-128


Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 45 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 129


Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 47 (Religious writing, Sententia), p. 130

the womb of all Holy duties is Grace


who does not hate all sin

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 49 (Religious writing, Sententia), pp. 131-3

vast is the difference between the state of Adam

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)

Item 54 (Religious writing, Sententia), pp. 135-6

Christ did not Satisfy upon Condition


to work these graces & qualifications in them in due time.


[Saying on faith, repentance and grace.]