Item genre: Hymn

The Folger Shakespeare Library: MS V.b.198
Miscellany containing poetry, prose, and notes (1587-1636)
(author, occasional scribe)

Item 11 (Verse, Hymn), fol. 5r

A Hymn to Christ

Alpha omega, oh thou first and last


Approach unto to thee, with the rest forever

Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 2.2 (Verse, Hymn, Religious writing), pp. 3-6

John Dillingham (Author)

A hymn to our creator by Dr Dillingham

Praised be the Lord's most glorious name


His mercy doth renew

[This poem appears on pages 3, 4, and 6. A new poem (Item 2.3) begins on p. 5, suggesting that Item 2.3 was entered into this manuscript before Item 2.2 and Lyttelton had to work around it.]

64 lines
Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 2.5 (Verse, Hymn, Religious writing), pp. 6-19

Dr. Evans (Author (attrib.))

An hymn to our redeemer

When man by sin had lost his God


Who is redeemed alone

[This poem appears on pages 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, and 19. As with Item 2.2, this poem was added into blank spaces left over from other entries. This poem is attributed on p. 19 to a Dr. Evans, who has not been traced.]

64 lines
Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 2.12 (Verse, Hymn, Religious writing), pp. 13-17

When our Emmanuel from his throne came down


By this celestial birth

[This poem appears on pp. 13, 15, and 17. It is attributed to ""Dr Reynolds Bishop of Norwich"" at the bottom of p. 15. There appear to be two repeated choruses. Sir Thomas Browne was a friend of Reynolds.]

47 lines

[p. 16 is blank.]

Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 2.18 (Verse, Hymn, Religious writing), p. 21

An evening hymn

Now that the sable mantle of the night


Is now, and shall be evermore


16 lines
Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3 (Prose, Hymn)

[This section of the MS contains 45 hymns transcribed by Mary Webber (the last one is in a different hand which may be Webber's writing at a later date or could belong to someone else). Most of the hymns are written as if they were prose, ie in paragraphs rather than in verses. Beside each title, Webber has numbered the hymn.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.1 (Hymn), pp.1-2

[The MS is paginated by a later hand, and this catalogue entry follows this pagination unless otherwise specified]

O Lord I have heard

O Lord I have heard thy voice and was afraid O Lord


Hallelujah hallelujah

Dr. Alldridge

[Henry Aldrich (1647-1710), the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.2 (Hymn, Psalm), pp.3-4

I will love Thee, O Lord

I will love Thee O Lord my strength the Lord is my stony rock and my defence


The Lord liveth etc.

Dr. Alldridge

[Henry Aldrich (1647-1710), the composer.]

[This is a shortened version of Psalm 18]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.3 (Hymn, Psalm), p.6

I will magnify Thee, O Lord

I will magnify Thee O God my king and I will praise Thy name forever and ever


And men shall sing etc.

Mr. Tucker

[William Tucker (?-1679), the composer.]

[This is a shortened version of Psalm 145]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.4 (Hymn), p.8

Above the stars

Above the stars my saviour dwells


Come Lord Jesus come away

Mr. Robt. Parsons

[Robert Parsons (?-1570), the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.5 (Hymn, Psalm), p.10

Not unto us O Lord

Not unto us O Lord but unto Thy name give the praise for thy loving mercy


But we will praise the Lord etc.

Mr. Peter Pasmore

[Peter Pasmore, the composer.]

[This is a shortened version of Psalm 115]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.6 (Biblical writing, Hymn), p.12

Comfort ye my people

Comfort ye my people saith your God


lift up thy voice with strength and say unto the cities of Judah behold your God O Sion that bringest good etc.

Mr. Hen. Hall

[Henry Hall (1655-1707), the composer.]

[From Isaiah 40: 1-9]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.7 (Biblical writing, Hymn), p.14

Behold I bring you

Behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people


Hallelujah, Glory as before

Mr. Peter Pasmore

[Peter Pasmore, the composer.]

[From Luke 2: 8-14]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.8 (Hymn, Psalm), p.16

When Israel came out of

When Israel came out of Egypt and the house of Jacob from among the strange people


Hallelujah hallelujah

Mr. Hen. Hall

[Henry Hall (1655-1707), the composer.]

[Psalm 114]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.9 (Hymn), p.18

Christ being raised

Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more


Glory be to the father and to the son etc.

Dr. John Blow

[John Blow (1649-1708), the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.11 (Hymn, Psalm), p.20

Like as the hart

Like as the hart desires the water brooks so panteth my soul after Thee O God


Put thy trust in God for I will yet give him thanks for the help of my countenance and my God. O put thy trust etc.

Mr. Pell. Humphry

[Pelham Humfrey (1647-1674), the composer.]

[This is a shortened version of Psalm 42]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.12 (Hymn, Psalm), p.22

Plead thou my cause

Plead thou my cause O Lord with them that strive with me


Glory be to the father and to the son etc.

Mr. Lock

[Matthew Locke (d. 1677), the composer.]

[This is a shortened version of Psalm 35]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.13 (Hymn, Psalm), p.24

O Lord rebuke me not

O Lord rebuke me not in thine indignation neither chasten me in thy heavy displeasure


Cho: Away from me etc.

Mr. Hen. Hall

[Henry Hall (1655-1707), the composer.]

[This is a shortened version of Psalm 6]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.14 (Hymn, Psalm), p.26

O God wherefore art Thou

O God wherefore art Thou absent from us so long


O God wherefore art Thou absent from us so long

Dr. Blow

[John Blow (1649-1708), the composer.]

[This hymn consists of the first three lines of Psalm 74, with the Chorus repeating the first line]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.15 (Hymn, Psalm), p.28

I will magnify Thee O Lord

I will magnify Thee O Lord for Thou hast set me up and not made my foes to triumph over me


Sing praises unto the Lord etc.

Mr. Hen. Hall

[Henry Hall (1655-1707), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first four lines of Psalm 30]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.16 (Hymn, Psalm), p.30

Rejoice in the Lord O ye

Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous for it becometh well the just to be thankful


For the word of the Lord is true and all His works are faithful

Mr. Pell. Humphry

[Pelham Humfrey (1647-1674), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first four lines of Psalm 33]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.17 (Biblical writing, Hymn), p.32

Rejoice in the Lord always

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice


Rejoice in the Lord etc.

Mr. Hen. Purcell

[Henry Purcell (1659-1695), the composer.]

[From Philippians 4]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.18 (Hymn, Psalm), p.34

O Lord my God

O Lord my God why hast Thou forsaken me


But be not thou far etc.

Mr. Pell. Humphry

[Pelham Humfrey (1647-1674), the composer.]

[From Psalm 22]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.19 (Hymn, Psalm), p.36

God is our hope and

God is our hope and strength a very present help in trouble


God shall help us therefore shall we not be removed

Dr. Blow

[John Blow (1649-1708), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first five lines of Psalm 46]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.20 (Hymn), p.38

O Lord I have sinned

O Lord I have sinned what shall I do


For my sighing etc.

Dr. Blow

[John Blow (1649-1708), the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.21 (Hymn, Psalm), p.40

Turn Thee unto me O Lord

Turn Thee unto me O Lord and have mercy upon me for I am desolate and in misery


Consider mine enemies etc.

Dr. Blow

[John Blow (1649-1708), the composer.]

[From Psalm 25]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.22 (Hymn, Psalm), p.42

O Clap your hands

O clap your hands together all ye people


Hallelujah hallelujah

Mr. Peter Pasmore

[Peter Pasmore, the composer.]

[This hymn consists of the first five lines of Psalm 47, with the Chorus repeating the first line]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.23 (Hymn, Psalm), p.44

By the waters

By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept


O daughter of Babylon

Mr. Hen. Hall

[Henry Hall (1655-1707), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 137]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.24 (Hymn, Psalm), p.46

O praise God in His holiness

O praise God in His holiness praise Him in the firmament



Mr. Hen. Hall

[Henry Hall (1655-1707), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 150]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.25 (Hymn, Psalm), p.48

The kings of Tharsis

The kings of Tharsis and of the isles shall give presents the kings of Arabia and Saba shall bring gifts



Dr. Blow

[John Blow (1649-1708), the composer.]

[From Psalm 72]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.26 (Hymn, Psalm), p.50

I will sing a new song

I will sing a new song unto thee O God and sing praises


I will sing a new song etc.

Mr. Wise

[Michael Wise (?-1687), the composer.]

[Probably from Psalm 144]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.27 (Hymn), p.52

O Lord grant the king

O Lord grant the king a long life Amen Amen


As for his enemies cloathe them all with shame but upon himself let his crown flourish. Amen Amen.

Mr. Hen. Purcell

[Henry Purcell (1659-1695), the composer.]

[A modern hand has written, in pencil, "King William III"]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.28 (Hymn, Psalm), p.54

Behold thou hast made

Behold thou has made my days as it were a span long and mine age is even as nothing in respect of thee


O spare me a little etc.

Mr. Gibbons

[Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625), the composer.]

[From Psalm 39]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.29 (Hymn, Psalm), p.56

Thou art my king O God

Thou art my king O God send help unto Jacob through Thee will we overthrow our enemies


We make our boast of God all day long and will praise Thy name for ever and ever

Mr. Pell. Humphry

[Pelham Humfrey (1647-1674), the composer.]

[From Psalm 44]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.30 (Hymn, Psalm), p.58

O Lord how are they increased

O Lord how are they increased that trouble me many one there be that say of my soul there is no help for him in his God


Up Lord and help etc.

Mr. Hen. Purcell

[Henry Purcell (1659-1695), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 3]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.31 (Hymn), p.60

Behold how good and joyful

Behold how good and joyful a thing it is brethren to dwell together in unity


For there the Lord etc.

Mr. Wise

[Michael Wise (?-1687), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 133]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.32 (Biblical writing, Hymn), p.62

And I heard a great voice

And I heard a great voice of much people in heaven saying Hallelujah salvation and honour and glory



Dr. Blow

[John Blow (1649-1708), the composer.]

[From Revelation 19]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.33 (Biblical writing, Hymn), p.64

The ways of Sion

The ways of Sion do mourn because none come to her solemn feasts


See O Lord and consider for I am become vile

Mr. Wise

[Michael Wise (?-1687), the composer.]

[From Lamentations 1]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.34 (Hymn, Psalm), p.66

O pray for the peace

O pray for the peace of Jerusalem


Yea because etc.

Mr. Peter Pasmore

[Peter Pasmore, the composer.]

[From Psalm 122]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.35 (Hymn), p.68

Sing O daughter of Sion

Sing O daughter of Sion shout aloud O Israel


Shout aloud hallelujah

Mr. Tobias Langdon

[Tobias Langdon, the composer.]

[From Zephaniah 3]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.36 (Hymn, Psalm), p.70

Awake up my glory

Awake up my glory awake lute and harp


set up thyself etc.

Mr. Wise

[Michael Wise (?-1687), the composer.]

[From part of Psalm 57 or 108]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.37 (Hymn, Psalm), p.72

Let God arise

Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered


And the heavens dropped etc.

Mr. Hen. Hall

[Henry Hall (1655-1707), the composer.]

[From Psalm 68]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.38 (Hymn, Psalm), p.74

Be merciful unto me O God

Be merciful unto me O God for man goeth about to devour me he is daily fighting and troubling me


Hallelujah hallelujah

Mr. Hen. Purcell

[Henry Purcell (1659-1695), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 56]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.39 (Hymn), p.76

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord O Jerusalem praise thy God O Sion


Glory be to the father and to the son etc.

Mr. Wise

[Michael Wise (?-1687), the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.40 (Hymn, Psalm), p.78

My song shall be always

My song shall be always of the loving kindness of the Lord


Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

Mr. Hen. Hall

[Henry Hall (1655-1707), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 89]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.41 (Hymn, Psalm), p.80

O God Thou art my God

(John Watters)

O God Thou art my God and early will I seek Thee



Mr. John Walter

[This hymn is based on the first eight lines of Psalm 63]

[John Walter, the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.42 (Hymn, Psalm), p.82

The Lord is king

The Lord is king and hath put on glorious apparel


Glory be to the father and to the son etc.

Dr. Alldridge

[Henry Aldrich (1647-1710), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 93]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.43 (Hymn, Psalm), p.84

Sing we merrily

Sing we merrily unto God our strength


Make a cheerful noise unto the God of Jacob

Dr. Blow

[John Blow (1649-1708), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first four lines of Psalm 81]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.44 (Hymn, Psalm), p.86

Hear my prayer O Lord

Hear my prayer O Lord and consider my desire


Hear my prayer O Lord and consider my desire

Mr. Gibbons

[Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first two lines of Psalm 143]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.45 (Biblical writing, Hymn), p.88

Awake put on Thy

Awake put on thy strength O Sion put on thy beautiful garments O Jerusalem


Hallelujah hallelujah

Mr. Wise

[Michael Wise (?-1687), the composer.]

[From Isaiah 52]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 3.46 (Hymn, Psalm), p.90

I am well pleased

I am well pleased that the Lord hath heard the voice of my prayer


Hallelujah hallelujah

Dr. Alldridge

[Henry Aldrich (1647-1710), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 116]

[The hymn may be a later addition to the MS, as the hand is quite different from that of the previous 44 hymns.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.3 (Hymn), p.100

O Lord grant the king

O Lord grant the king a long life that his years may endure throughout all generation


Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

Dr. Child

[William Child (1606-1697), the composer.]

[At the end of the hymn, someone has written a note in pencil: "King William III"]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.4 (Hymn, Psalm), p.100

When the Lord

When the Lord turneth against the captivity of Sion then were we like unto that dream


sing: Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

Mr. Robt. Parsons

[Robert Parsons (?-1570), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first four lines of Psalm 126]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.6 (Hymn), p.102

Lord for Thy tender

Lord for Thy tender mercy's sake lay not our sins to our charge but forgive that is past


now and ever more amen

Mr. Tallis

[Thomas Tallis (1505?-1585), the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.7 (Hymn, Psalm), p.102

Call to Remembrance

Call to remembrance O Lord thy tender mercy and Thy loving kindness which have been ever of old


think thou upon me O Lord for thy goodness

Mr. Tallis

[Thomas Tallis (1505?-1585), the composer.]

[the ink has faded and the last four letters of "Tallis" are only faintly visible]

[From Psalm 25]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.9 (Hymn, Psalm), p.104

O praise the Lord all ye

O praise the Lord all ye heathen praise him all ye nations


Hallelujah endureth forever hallelujah

Dr. Alldridge

[Henry Aldrich (1647-1710), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 117, and its text is nearly identical to MS item 5.11]

[see also MS item 5.11]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.10 (Hymn), p.104

Remember not our old sins

Remember not our old sins but have mercy upon us


always be showing forth thy praise from generation to generation

Mr. Pasmore

[Peter Pasmore, the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.11 (Hymn, Psalm), p.106

O praise the Lord all Ye

O praise the Lord all ye heathen praise him all ye nations


the truth of the Lord endures for ever praise the Lord

Mr. Pasmore

[Peter Pasmore, the composer.]

[This hymn is based on Psalm 117, and its text is nearly identical to MS item 5.9]

[see also MS item 5.9]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.12 (Hymn, Psalm), p.106

O clap your hands

O clap your hands together all ye people


even the worship of Jacob whom he loved

Mr. Travers

[If "Mr. Travers" is the composer John Travers, b. ca. 1703, d. 1758, the dating of the reversed portion of the Webber MS is significantly later than the signature "Mrs Mary Webber: Her Book Anno Domini 1694" [see item 5.2]. Without the musical arrangement to accompany this hymn, it is difficult to be certain, as other contemporary composers including Orlando Gibbons wrote arrangments based, as this one is, on Psalm 47.]

[This hymn is based on the first four lines of Psalm 47]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.13 (Hymn), p.108

With all our hearts

With all our hearts and mouths we confess


holy and unseparable trinity to thee be glory for evermore

Mr. Tallis

[Thomas Tallis (1505?-1585), the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.14 (Hymn, Psalm), p.108

Lift up your heads

Lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors


even the Lord of host He is the king of glory

[p. 109 is blank]

Mr. Gibbons

[Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625), the composer.]

[From Psalm 24]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.15 (Hymn), p.110

Behold it is Christ

Behold it is Christ which was ordained by God to be judge both of the quick and the dead


whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of their sins

Mr. Hooper

[Henry Hooper (1553?-1621), the composer.]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.16 (Hymn), p.110

A call and cry

A call and cry to Thee O Lord give ear


forget my wickedness O Lord I beseech Thee

Mr. Tallis

[Thomas Tallis (1505?-1585), the composer.]

[p. 111 is blank]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.17 (Biblical writing, Hymn), p.112


Hosanna to the son of David blessed is he


Hosanna in the highest heavens

Mr. Gibbons

[Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625), the composer.]

[From Matthew 21]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.18 (Hymn, Psalm), p.112

Behold now praise the Lord

Behold now praise the Lord O ye servants of the Lord


the Lord that made heaven and earth give thee blessing out of Sion

Dr. Alldridge

[Henry Aldrich (1647-1710), the composer.]

[From Psalm 134]

[p. 113 is blank]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.19 (Hymn, Psalm), p.114

Out of the deep

Out of the deep have I called unto Thee O God


but there is mercy with thee therefore shalt Thou be feared

Dr. Alldridge

[Henry Aldrich (1647-1710), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first four lines of Psalm 130]

[The hymn takes up only the top half of the page. The lower half of this page is blank]

[p. 115 is blank]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.20 (Hymn, Psalm), p.116

O give thanks unto the Lord

O give thanks unto the Lord and call upon His name


Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face ever more

Mr. Matthew Lock

[Matthew Locke (d. 1677), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first two lines of Psalm 9]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.21 (Hymn, Psalm), p.116

Hast not Thou forsaken us O God

Hast not Thou forsaken us O God and wilt not Thou


That shall head down our enemies Amen

Mr. Peter Passmore

[Peter Pasmore, the composer.]

[p. 117 is blank]

[This hymn seems to be loosely based on Psalm 108]

Beinecke Library: Osborn MS b.202
Hymns and Poems transcribed by Mary Webber, 1694 (After 1694)
(Compiler) Mary Webber

Item 5.22 (Hymn, Psalm), p.118

Haste Thee O God

Haste Thee O God to deliver me make haste to help me O Lord


say always the Lord be praised

Mr. Dan. Roseingrave

[Daniel Roseingrave (1650?-1727), the composer.]

[This hymn is based on the first four lines of Psalm 70]