Item genre: Drawing

British Library: Add. MS 78441
Spiritual meditations (Written between 31 August 1683 and 14 March 1685)
(Author, Scribe)Mary Evelyn

Item 3 (Drawing), fol. 2v

[Drawing of an altar, similar to that used by John Evelyn in his correspondence with Margaret Blagge Godolphin. Endorsed 'ME' and dated July 1684.]

[Preceded by blank pages fols. 1v-2r]

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 125 (Drawing), fol. 62v [p. 124]

Pen and wash drawing of St Johannes Columbinus

[Numbered 118, incomplete. The saint, unlike the subjects of previous drawings and Satire 119, does not wear a fool's cap.]

St Johannes Columbinus

Newberry Library: Wing MS ZW 645.K29
Proverbs ( 1 January 1606)
(scribe) Esther Inglis

Item 24 (Closing material, Drawing, Motto), fol. 22r

nil penna sed usus


Decorated page, showing a device of crossed gold pens interweaving a green floral wreath, surmounted by a jewelled crown, with a double blue rule above and below. Inglis's motto, "Nil penna sed usus", straddles the device
