Item genre: Commendatory writing

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 4 (Verse, Commendatory writing), fol. 1v [p. 2]

In Frontispiciem

The Ship is larger made, as Fools increase


The world, into one Fold, we Christian call.

30 lines.

[5 numbered stanzas, followed by Newberry Library stamp. Leaf (i.e. verso of title page) much repaired.]

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 5 (Prose, Letter, Commendatory writing), fols. 2r-v [pp. 3-4]

Ad Lectorem

It was a good design of the ancient satirists, whether Orators or Poets, to ridicule vice, and recommend virtue to the world


if any Reader by seeing the folly of others in this Book, shall beware of vice, and grow more in Love with virtue, or by seeing his own faults under any of the following descriptions, shall reform, the Improver has his end

[Shortened paraphrase of Locher's Prologue; traces the history of moral thinkers and writers through Socrates, Plato, the classical tragedians, comedians, epicists and elegists, Lucilius, Horace, Persius and Juvenal. Followed (p. 4) by coloured drawing of Neptune and three horses.]

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 6 (Verse, Commendatory writing), fol. 3r [p. 5]

In Opus modo reformatum

Navibus ipse vagis, ventos, aurasque faventes


Sive procella vorax obruat: inde vale

30 lines.

[5 numbered stanzas]

Newberry Library: Case MS fY952.B733
Navis Stultifera (1696)
(author) Brant, Sebastian
(translator) Locher, Jacobus
(translator?) (scribe) ( illustrator) Mary Gale(?)

Item 7 (Verse, Commendatory writing), fol. 3v [p. 6]

Alius in hoc speculum stultorum

Ex toto salubris mundo, doctrina fugatur


Haec multis, prosit Fictio nostra, viris

30 lines.

[5 numbered stanzas]

Beinecke Library: MS pb 110
Miscellany of poems by Edmund Waller and other contemporary poets (1684)
(compiler) Elisabeth Moyle Gregor (Compiler, scribe)

Item 25 (Verse, Commendatory writing), fol.23v

Of Her Majesty on New Year's Day 1683 by Waller

Edmund Waller (Author)

What revolutions in the world have been


Tis greater glory to reform the age

18 lines

[This poem is in G. Thorn Drury's The Poems of Edmund Waller with no material differences]

Beinecke Library: MS pb 110
Miscellany of poems by Edmund Waller and other contemporary poets (1684)
(compiler) Elisabeth Moyle Gregor (Compiler, scribe)

Item 26 (Verse, Commendatory writing), fols.24r-25r

A Presage of the Ruin of the Turkish Empire, presented to his Majesty on his Birthday

Edmund Waller (Author)

Since James the second graced the British throne


Known to the East, and Celebrated there

58 lines

[This poem is in G. Thorn Drury's The Poems of Edmund Waller with no material differences]

[The poem is followed by Waller's quotation from Virgil "Haec ego longaevus cecini tibi, maxime regum! Ausus et ipse manu juvenum tentare laborem. - Virg."]