Item genre: Book list

The Folger Shakespeare Library: MS V.b.198
Miscellany containing poetry, prose, and notes (1587-1636)
(author, occasional scribe)

Item 59.1 (Book list, Inventory), fols 65r-66r

A list of my books

1. Calvin's Institutions. in folio


98. Doctor Ridley upon the Lord's supper in octavo

[The book list is continued on fol. 64v (nos 99-110): see item 59.2 below. This library list was probably written by Henry Sibthorpe but may have described both Southwell's and his own library; certainly some of the books postdate Southwell's death in 1636.]

The Folger Shakespeare Library: MS V.b.198
Miscellany containing poetry, prose, and notes (1587-1636)
(author, occasional scribe)

Item 59.2 (Book list, Inventory), fol. 64v

These are likewise books belonging to me

99. Private devotions in duodecimo


110. A Great Bible in folio

[This is the continuation of the booklist which runs from fols 65r-66r (nos 1-98): see item 59.1 above. It is written on a blank verso between the accounts of John Sibthorpe (item 58, fols. 62r-65r).]

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F36
Miscellany (1670-1710)
(Compiler, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Item 28 (Book list), fol.[81r]

Books sold by Richard Chiswell

The Whole Duty of Boards by G:B: D.D:


The downfall of Nierimdego. a Tragedy with Sculptures by P. Settle or E Settle

[The explicit refers to Elkanah Settle's The Empress of Morocco (1673).]

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F36
Miscellany (1670-1710)
(Compiler, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Item 51 (Book list), fols [1r-2r][rev]

Catalogue of Books at London in the year 1701.

1 Dr. Hammond on the New Testament


133 Erasmus Christian Soldier

Folger Library: MS V.a.511
Instructions for my children, or any other Christian, 1606 (1606-c.1750 )
Elizabeth Richardson ( Author, main scribe)

Item 12 (Book list), fols. 54r, 55r, 56r, 57r

A mid-eighteenth-century catalogue of books.

[Hand D]

[Fols. 54v, 55v, 56v are blank]

Cambridge University Library: MS Additional 8460
Miscellany in verse and prose (c.1665-1714. Elizabeth Lyttelton probably began compiling this manuscript in the mid to late 1660s, when she is first mentioned in her father's letters as helping him organize his papers (Keynes, Works, IV, p. 29, letter 21 (13 August 1668)). She might have continued until she gave the manuscript to her cousin Edward Tenison in 1714 (p. 174), though the latest dateable item in the miscellany is 1710 (see Item 6.25).)
Elizabeth Lyttelton (author, scribe)

Item 2.33 (Book list), pp. 44-45

Thomas Browne (Author)

The books which my daughter Elizabeth hath read unto me at nights till she read them all out

All Plutarch's Lives


Many other books, treatises, discourses of several kinds, which may amount unto half the quantity of half the books in folio, which are before set down

[This list comprises 28 items and ""some hundreds of sermons"". Most of the books listed are on the subject of travels to or history about the countries of Turkey, China, India, America, and Italy. They also read histories of Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth, and King James (by Baker, Camden, and Speed), Foxe's Book of Martyrs, and classical writers such as Plutarch and Suetonius. The wording of the title suggests that Lyttelton copied the list from a document in Thomas Browne's own hand. Some of the books listed survived in the library of Sir Thomas and Edward which was sold in 1710 (see Jeremiah Finch's A Catalogue of the Libraries of Sir Thomas Browne and Dr Edward Browne, His Son).]

[This is the last item in this section. From pages 46 to 174 the pages are all reversed and Lyttelton began compiling material from the back of the volume, which has been rotated to form a new beginning to the volume.]