Item genre: Apology

The Folger Shakespeare Library: MS V.b.198
Miscellany containing poetry, prose, and notes (1587-1636)
(author, occasional scribe)

Item 8 (Apology, Letter), fol. 3r-v

A letter from Southwell to Cicely Ridgeway, Countess of Londonderry which constitutes a defence of poetry

To my worthy muse; that doth these lines infuse. the Lady Ridgway

How falls it out (noble Lady) that you are become a sworn enemy to poetry


In the meantime I rest more than thankful for your noble loving letter, as the lover of your virtues. Anne Southwell

[There are some words beneath the letter which are largely crossed out, but Klene has deciphered them as ""vera Copia per Io. prvto turi Do: An: o:/"".]

The Folger Shakespeare Library: MS V.b.198
Miscellany containing poetry, prose, and notes (1587-1636)
(author, occasional scribe)

Item 26 (Verse, Apology), fol. 16r-v

All married men desire to have good wives


For blockish Adam that was fallen asleep

[This poem constitutes a defence of Eve.]

[Fol. 16v is blank.]

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F29
Sarah Cowper's Diary, Volume 1 (1700-1702)
(Author, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Item 6 (Apology, Preface), p.[iv]

Second prefatory remark

I will not say but there may be some things here that upon strict enquiry will perhaps appear not to be well founded, but this I will affirm that I have invented and added nothing myself.

[This is the entire entry.]

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F29
Sarah Cowper's Diary, Volume 1 (1700-1702)
(Author, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Item 9 (Apology, Closing material), back flyleaf r - back pastedown

Final remarks on the diary

Here are indeed a great many trifling occurrences, but having few extraordinary accidents to relate I must be content to recount things as they have happened.


Yet 'tis possible those reflections may not trouble but please us to see we have passed over them so well, or at least no worse.


A later reader has added pencil notes to the flyleaf, including remarks about Cowper, such as "58 years in 1702" and "born in 1644".

Flyleaf v and the pastedown are blank.


Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F36
Miscellany (1670-1710)
(Compiler, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Item 57 (Apology, Autobiography, Prayer), fols [52v-54r][rev]

Richard Nolthrop (Author)

A Paper Mr Richard Nolthrop left behind him being writ a little before his Execution

The great and inexpressible troubles and distraction I have lain under since I came into my trouble,


unto whom with thyself and Holy Spirit be ascribed all glory honour power might and dominion for ever and ever Amen | Dear Lord Jesus receive my spirit | Amen

[The identity of Richard Nolthrop is unclear.]