Genre: Miscellany

The Folger Shakespeare Library: MS V.b.198
Miscellany containing poetry, prose, and notes (1587-1636)
(author, occasional scribe)

British Library: Add. MS 4454
The religious meditations, verse and autobiographical writings of Katherine Austen (1664-83)
Katherine Austen (Author)

Bodleian Library: MS Firth c.16
Verse Miscellany (Begun in the mid-1680s)
(Compiler, Scribe) Aphra Behn

Bodleian Library: MS Rawlinson D. 1308
Lady Carey's Meditations, & Poetry, ... As also the late Thomas Lord Fairfax's Relation of his Actions in the late Civil Wars. Together With his Grace the Duke of Buckingham's Verses upon the Memory of the late Thomas Lord Fairfax (1681)
Mary Carey (Author)

Bodleian Library: MS Rawlinson poet. 16
Miscellany ()
Lady Jane Cavendish ( Author)
Lady Elizabeth Brackley ( Author)
Short entry.

Folger Library: MS V.a.89
Leaves from a verse miscellany of court poetry (c. 1580-c. 1595)
Anne Cornwallis (owner)

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F36
Miscellany (1670-1710)
(Compiler, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F38
Miscellany (1675-1684)
(Compiler, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F40A
Miscellany (Started in 1683)
(Compiler, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F43
Miscellany (1690, 1698 and later)
(Compiler, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: D/EP F44
Miscellany (Started in 1700)
(Compiler, Scribe) Sarah Cowper

Beinecke Library: MS b.226
Miscellany ()
Dorothy (Frances) Feilding (Compiler)
Short entry.

Huntington Library: Huntington MS HM 904
Poetical Miscellany (before 1656)
Constance Aston Fowler (scribe)

Nottinghamshire Archives: DD/Hu1
Lucy Hutchinson's Commonplace Book ()
Lucy Hutchinson

Nottinghamshire Archives: DD/Hu 3
Lucy Hutchinson's Religious Commonplace Book ()
Lucy Hutchinson

British Library: Add. MS 17492
Miscellany (early 16th c.)
Margaret (Douglas) Howard (Scribe)
Mary (Howard) Fitzroy (Scribe)
Mary Shelton (Scribe)
Short entry.

William Andrews Clark Memorial Library: MS L6815 M3 C734
Miscellany of works by Anne and Roger Ley, including Anne Ley's commonplace book (1623-1668)
Anne Ley (Compiler, Author, Scribe)

Northamptonshire Record Office: W/A misc, vol. 35
Book of Advices to the Children ()
Grace Mildmay (Author)
Short entry.

Friends House Library: Temp. MS 752
Transcription of papers, mostly relating to Quakers (c.1670s-1706)
(Compiler, Scribe) Mary Penington, b.1657

National Library of Wales: MS 776B
The 'Rosania Manuscript' of Katherine Philips's Works (1664-1667)
Katherine Philips (Author)
Polexander (Scribe)

Worcester College, Oxford: MS 6. 13
The 'Clarke Manuscript' of Katherine Philips' poems ()
Katherine Philips (Author)
George Clarke (Scribe)
Short entry.

Brotherton Library, University of Leeds: Lt q 32
Poems, emblems and an unfinished romance ( 1655-1678)
Hester Pulter (Author)

National Library of Wales: MS 4340A
Katherine Thomas's Commonplace Book (1665-1694)
Katherine Thomas (Author, Scribe)

Bodleian Library: MS Eng. poet e. 31
Verse miscellany with additional recipes (1691-1706)
Octavia Walsh (Author, Scribe)

Folger Library: MS V.a.162
Verse miscellany (mid 17th c.)
Elizabeth Welden (Scribe)
Short entry.

British Library: MS Harleian 2311
Miscellany compiled by Anna Cromwell Williams
A Book of Several devotions collected from good men by the worst of sinners ()
Anna Cromwell Williams (Author, scribe)
Full entry.

Folger Library: MS N.b.3
Miscellany (c. 1685-c. 1702)
Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (Author)
Short entry.

Beinecke Library: MS b.222
Devotional miscellany (c. 1662-1672)
Ursula Wyvill (Compiler)